Though RiRi and Jameel had nabbed plenty of headlines over the years, they managed to keep their relationship relatively private. Rihanna briefly spoke about her love life in a 2019 Interview cover story, confirming she was "of course" in love with Jameel and wanted "more than anything in life" to become a mother. She wasn't, however, set on tying the knot. "Only god knows that, girl," she told Sarah Paulson when asked if marriage was on the horizon. "We plan and god laughs, right?"
In spring 2018, rumors circulated that Rihanna and Jameel had ended their relationship because the singer had simply become tired of men. "Rihanna and him were together for a while," a source told MediaTakeOut News at the time. "It was a good relationship, but now it's over.
Of course, Rihanna broke his heart. That's what she does: break[s] men's hearts ... Rihanna just got tired of him. She gets tired of men sometimes." Insiders did not share any details about the reason behind the latest split, and the couple has yet to confirm or deny the reports.
The Diamonds singer enjoyed a chill night with her musician pal, as they laughed and played games together at the Yams Day Benefit on Friday evening.
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