Wednesday, May 20, 2020

An African couple dies from coronavirus in Sharjah, UAE leaving behind 6 children

A Sudanese family living in Sharjah has been ripped apart after both parents died from coronavirus during Ramadan, leaving six siblings orphaned.

The father, 57-year-old Ali Ahmed Al Tayeb, died this week, just 23 days after his wife and the mother of the children. The family lived in the in Al Tauwan area of the emirate. All six children have now moved to live with their father’s nephew, Mohammad Hashim, in Ajman. The children are: Wa’ad Ali Ahmed, grade 10, Batoul Ali Ahmed, grade 9, Kamal Al Din Ali Ahmed, grade 8, Zainab Ali Ahmed, grade 6, Nour Al-Bayan Ali Ahmed, grade 1, and Mohammad Ali Ahmed, who attends kindergarten. New guardian Hashim, who is newly married, said the children's father suffered from diabetes.
He became infected with COVID-19 just days after his wife died.

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