Daniel recounted his bitter ordeal in the hands of a lecturer and the HOD (Head of Department) of Civil and Environmental Engineering department he was admitted to, started after he refused paying his way through his project.
The story is a long one, but it is worth reading!
NOTE: this is unavoidably very lengthy. Cuts across four different posts. 4500 plus words in total. Let the people know.
07 was the year I was to originally write WAEC with SSHS, but then, life happened. Elder siblings gained admission, and mum single handedly catering for all, had no other option, so I dropped out until 09. Being a highly unserious student, I sat for the SSCE that year and credited 6 of my 9 papers, 3 of which were essential for the discipline everyone in my family originally wanted me to pursue; medicine.
Somehow, I gave up on school and just lived. I taught from 09 (even as an external student, I doubled as a teacher for same school, teaching junior secondary literature). After flunking my papers, I just shrugged and thought ‘well, school isn’t for everyone.’ So again, I just lived.
Between early 09 to early 2010, I taught in three different schools, was a member of a local traditional band, and literally had no goal in life. No dream whatsoever. I was just living. Until late 2010/when popsy called and began talking to me about school again, seeing as he’d not lived up to his responsibilities, and was trying to atone for his sins. Any option for me? No.
I dived at the suggestion, even though I had no passion whatsoever, for education. I had had a terrible growing up and schooling, much so it seemed as though school was some sort of prison for me.
But then, here was an offer on a gold’s platter and seeing as I had no alternatives, I dived at it. Traveled to Unizik, faculty of pharmacy, Agulu and between late 2010 and early 2011, I wrote two exams. GCE and WAEC. This time, with the help of ‘special centers’, I made my papers and hurriedly filled U.I, Med Surg! 😂 😂 😂, olodo like me, I didn’t smell cut off. I whipped jamb 246 that year sha, but all na still runs.
By 2012, and with my time at Unizik, I had begun to get enlightened. My exposure piqued at such a sporadic rate; sort of a genius, and then I began self study/schooling. I wrote my jamb myself that year and got a well deserved and merited 214. Low, but oh well, it is what I gained admission with. I filled petroleum and gas, but somehow ended up getting civil and environmental engineering.
Sadly, I knew nothing about this admission as it didn’t reflect online. What I saw instead, each time I checked with my reg num, was College of Education, Okpoama-Brass, NCE, Chemistry. I filled this institute as third choice anyway, and without writing their entrance exam, they automatically gave me admission from my jamb score. Scores were really low that year, and 214 was something. So they gave me.
Of course, I declined. It was as I was starting to get fed up with waiting for delsu, seeing as time was going and no other batch was being released, that I decided to move on. Called pop and told him my fate. Man was disappointed, but well, what could he do? He was paying for all the negligence of yesteryears. So he suggested I run a pre-degree program, to which I obliged.
On the day of purchasing my P.D form was when I got a call from the faculty of engineering. This woman who was a church member of my aunty’s tenant, and I had been introduced to, said I was being ungrateful not to call and at least notify her that I did get the admission.
“But ma, I didn’t o. In fact, I am in Abraka now. I just purchased PD form o,” I said.
“What?! Your name is on the list I have in my office here!” She bellowed.
I felt a tingly sign of excitement, but this is Nigeria, you don’t get excited even when you’ve satisfied all faculty requirements, but you’re being held back, because, well, some people are determined to make you.
“Really? But…but…but, the site says I am…” I stuttered.
“If you know what is good for you, you will run down to Oleh this very minute and confirm for yourself, so you can begin your screening process.” She replied.
The phone went dead. It was a hysterical moment for me. Mixed feelings. I didn’t know whether or not to be excited. I didn’t even continue whatever I was doing, I just located the next available cab heading for Oleh; the faculty of engineering campus of Delsu.
In no time, I was there, and asked my way around. I was directed and finally met with the awesome Mrs Brown (not real name), who searched from a heap of papers on her desk and fished out a list bearing my name and series of other names. (See attached pictures). I was filled with ecstasy. Truly, it was an undescribable feeling. I figured out the reason it hadn’t reflected online was; 1. I had already been admitted to a tertiary institute. I needed to cancel that and accept Delsu’s before it reflects. And 2. There was an error in my jamb reg num. It had 25485252EI instead of 26485252EI.
Mrs. Brown, was heaven sent. She thoroughly broke down the process required to make these corrections and even went out of her way to make calls at Abraka to influence a speedy response.
Resolving this issue nearly cost my life and my sanity. I had resumed like every other fresh student but without a mat number or clearance and so could not pay acceptance or school fee. I wrote letters upon letters. It happens that many of these letters are just bundled away unattended, so you have to keep writing until you get lucky. It was here I made my first set of friends in Delsu. All four of us, similar problems of double admission and canceling. Mrs. Brown’s influence didn’t help me much here.
It was until the last week of clearance that I pulled a dramatic stunt in the office that won the attention of those in the administration office. I fell flat on the ground and wept. I had already collected fees, rent and everything else financially, and seeing my admission go right in my face, was not an option for me at all.
Fortunately, my small drama caught the attention of the then registrar, who said I would be the last person to be attended to for the day. That day was Friday, the last day I could resolve that. He signed the part he needed to sign in the acceptance/rejection form, and so I had to go to bayelsa, to have the other institution sign the rejection part.
I didn’t even wait, I headed for Bayelsa straight! To get to brass, one needed to cross a large river by boat. Crossing to the other distance you could well see from where you stood, was 3000 naira. No shaking! I had all the money I needed. I was ready for whatever eventualities came.
You need to see the shocker on my face when I got to brass and was told the school moved to it’s permanent site, Sagbama. That was like the entrance of Bayelsa from Ughelli. I shed hot tears. I let them roll freely down. The day was dark and I had files in my hand, confused as a fool. Any other option? No! So I paid another 3k and sailed back.
As it was dark, I didn’t know the boat hadn’t thoroughly reached shore. In my hurriedness to get down and leave as time was against me, I almost drowned. I dug my foot in a place that I thought wasn’t too deep, haven folded my trousers, and you need to see where it got to me. Slightly above my waist level! Some of my files got wet.
Somehow sha, I got to Sagbama, gave their registrar to sign. She did, after a few cussing though about how big an opportunity I’m just giving off for delsu. She bragged that her school was better. Ehn, okay na. I saw list, only 62 registered student in the entire school; like 7 in my dept. Oshey, good school. Sha sign for me. I wanted to pay, she said no o, I must go to fidelity bank. No bank at Sagbama at all. Good school. I sha slept at Ughelli, in my coz’s place, and continued the process the following Monday.
Done, I got my mat num after passing the screening exercise and meeting all requirements.
Only to end up with:
I managed a CPGA of 3.82, in my first year.
3.64 in my second year.
It was in my third year, life crisis, depression, unseriousness and every reason else, I depreciated to 3.44.
That same year, I contested and lost for the post of Social Director under SUG, Oleh campus, after having served as Secretary under Nigerian Institute of civil engineers, oleh chapter. In all of these years of service, I didn’t breach my oath of matriculation. I wasn’t found wanting for gross misconduct.
After losing, I was unanimously chosen to represent my department at the Student Representative Counsel, as Honorable. I obliged. I pushed for the abolishment of 300 naira payment of SUG dues that wasn’t being paid in the head campus; arguing overnight with the then Sports director, who was my course mate and course rep. I started an argument of one Nigeria and reason for non indigene fee as well as catchment area be looked into. That didn’t float. The then speaker, who doubled as my landlord’s son, told me to focus on addressing issues bothering my department, as that was where I was to represent firsthand. True. But each time I asked department ‘what’s up’, I got the cold shoulder. Everything seemed perfect, so nothing to fix. OK na. In all, many people can attest to the fact that I did my job to the best of my abilities in the SRC. The sport’s and social director, and even the then SUG president, can attest to the heat I gave over outrageous budgets.
All of these times, I didn’t breach oath of matriculation or was found wanting for gross misconduct.
I served as Vice president under NICESA again in my fourth year, and when the former president who I established a relationship with, asked me afterwards, if I would be the president in my finals, I gave her a bold no. She asked why, I said the students don’t want me or what I could offer. I was too controversial, wierd, different and irregular. Make I no go put anybody for problem. All of these times, I wasn’t found wanting for any offences.
In my finals, a new HOD would begin his reign. A lot of adjustments. Rumors had it that this guy was good, nice, humorous and everything in between. We were glad; or rather, I was glad. We were fed up with the stern and strict nature of the former. Everyone avoided getting involved with him. With the new one, it was different. He was not the regular kind of Nigerian lecturer; brutal, mean wicked, commanding, oppressing. We didn’t do our findings, we all rushed and registered his optional course. Nearly 90% of the entire class.
This was an eye opener, with a failure of more than 75% after all the preaching, everyone began to adjust and treat our relationship with him with caution. For avoidance of generalizing, I will strictly relate this to me.
In my second semester finals, I was called in a class I was absentia. The hod had announced me the highest in his C.A test for a course he was handling. 22 of 30. He shook hands with me. Until that moment, we maintained a cordial relationship.
Things took a different turn towards our project defence. The hod was strict, stern, commanding and overbearing, and many of us had began to complain and grumble at this new development. He made it a duty to always remind us that it was for our own good.
What sparked the loudest uproar was when the hod had began asking for us to pay certain amount of money for the project defence sake. The reason? Our personal refreshment. Every other department sympathized with us whenever we told our tales. He, through the course rep always made it a duty to remind erring students that they would not be allowed defend their projects.
You know the kind of panic it would stir, especially for finalist? Ehen. So people began paying. I paid too. In the end, no refreshment. They said the money wasn’t enough and so we have to pay again if we want our project defense to continue successfully. That the request he made to Abraka wasn’t fully granted and we had to put two and two together to make it work.
Of course, broke as I am, I complained. My grouse was why they had to keep giving this money collection names that wasn’t. Said it was our refreshment but there wasn’t any such thing. This man even made us spend more, asking for four printed copies of works to be corrected and so we would print and reprint. All money.
This issue stirred conflicts among all the student. The ones who had issues with all this and the ones who didn’t. Series of class meetings were held and we reached an agreement. Everybody was to let sleeping dogs lie. The did was already done.
Not until external supervisor complained about the amount of pages of our works and ask us to add to it and print again. Another money! Again, the class was torn apart.
I personally had to consult the student handout and saw it had dictated how projects were to be done. It also outlined the authorities of the external supervisor. So when the class meeting held for the umpteenth time, I and a few other course mates raised these issues. Somehow, we reached an agreement, albeit not clearly visible whether the man was unhappy or not. But one could tell he wasn’t from how he handled the last meeting. But well, what can anyone do?
It was until during the course of the week that we heard our department and the hod had been petitioned and summoned for whatever reason. Apparently, someone as unsatisfied as me, had gone ahead to write a letter to the provost, anonymously. Being the only writer and the one who was loudest about his disagreement, everyone concluded I must be the one behind that petition. I am saying it again here and now; although I completely agree, as every honest person in that department would, that the content of the letter isn’t far from the truth, I wasn’t the brain behind it. Until today, I don’t even know and can’t guess who was.
Anyway, this really upset the hod as he had thought the meetings we had held had yielded satisfactory results. Of course, anyone in his shoe would lose it. I had course mates who never visited began coming to my house just to have conversations with me about that petition; sort of trying to find out if I was really behind it or yes. Honestly, I wasn’t, but I didn’t care anymore. I was just focused on writing my exams and leaving. Everyone was at that edge now. The department had become so toxic. There was even a fight and physical confrontation amongst some course mates in one of the meetings.
This was when threats began to fly. Of how I would fail and come back. Of how I will not graduate. Of how I needed to go and clear my name and apologize; for what exactly? I do not know.
After the hod’s course exams, there was an announcement that there was mass failure and he needed to reconsult another test… AFTER EXAMS! I got the hint that I was the reason behind that test. Remember I got the highest? So the plan was to nullify that test or divide it into two and make sure I performed poorly in the new one. I raised an alarm immediately. The Provost called for a meeting in my department and addressed it. He canceled the test and we all carried on.
Anyway, results started to come out, and unlike usual, they weren’t pasted. You had to personally go and check yours yourself.
To my utter amazement, this man said I scored 14/70, thus ending up with an F in his course. Apparently, there was mass failure. But that wasn’t my business. It was 6 or 7 questions to answer 4 or 5, something along that line. I just scoffed. There was already boldy written on the department board, a notice of registering your grievances by applying for remark if you were not entirely satisfied. I saw the handwriting on the wall. Even the way I was attended to when I walked into the office to get my result, it was all clear how personal this man was taking it. First he claimed I didn’t greet him, when in fact I did. But then, I still greeted him again.
Anyway, long story short, I wrote to the Provost immediately effectively, because I had had the hint before then that I was a target. I knew all of this quite too well before it had happened.
My letter was returned to me and I was asked to copy the department, the faculty and the campus. I did and submitted all three copies. And for three months plus, from August to October, I got no feedback or response. Until early October. The course rep called to inform me the did needed my attention. I went there, was talked down about how well I tought I performed in that course and about he seeing my script and me not doing exactly well. That I could either write to the VC or prepare towards next semester. That there was nothing, absolutely nothing both his office and that of the Provost, could do about it. I weighed my options. If I wrote to the VC, it would take forever to get a response. Recall my first year and writing to the DVC over my admission issues, it took months. So now what? I figured I was deliberately stalled until a close to the opening of a new session, and the Dean’s advice somehow stressed on preparing for next semester more than writing to the VC. He kept stressing how he invited me over as his son and not a student and tried shutting me up whenever I raised the discrepancies in the breakdown of the exam scores.
Apparently, what I had noticed was that there were a selected few persons; a combination of some persons who paid that last money, and those students who went to stand in defence of the hod at the panel set up to look into the letter the Provost received earlier to which the department was petitioned. Of course, I had been announced highest, with 22 of 30, but now, there were higher scores. 25, 27 and even 29, of some persons who I know fully well were absent during that test. Most of the people who were absent got a dash to show they were. Matter of factly, in the last student disciplinary panel I was invited, I and the hod met and talked one on one and I raised that observation, to which he said it was his mark and he could give it to anyone he deemed fit, that it was only exams he couldn’t tamper with. But the CA was his for the taking.
Not until the senate approved a result that would see 58 people resit for an extra year with less than 25 people graduating. I wa among this 58.
Seeing as I wasn’t getting desired results, I went public with my story. I published it on my personal Facebook page and somehow, it sparked unrest. I had a selected few course mates come to defend the hod and malign my person on my page. It got really messy and if you had followed back then, you would well know what transpired.
This is the breach of matriculation oath and gross misconduct Delsu is talking about. My Facebook publications. The hod had gone ahead to file a petition of death threat, he quoted excerpts of my post to suit these allegations. I got calls from DSS, the Police and a lawyer. I defended myself and didn’t honor any of their invitations and stated explicitly why. I wrote my own letters and countered the petition from Asaba here.
On one of such occasions, I received a call from the Oleh police and spoke to the hod, the former hod and a lawyer at the other end. Apparently, the hod was making outrageous allegations of me being used as a tool by the former hod to confront his office in a bid to oust him or whatever reasons he made of the matter. Shocking and hilarious as these allegations, I defended myself, both on my page, in my letter and in the student panel. The hod had to go as low as revisiting the SIWES I didn’t complete in year four at the panel. It was raised and explained myself in clear terms.
At the last panel, the allegations were read out openly to me; ‘accused of gross misconduct and breach of matriculation oath’. I said I was not guilty of these offenses and went on to narrate entirely my own side of the story. After fair hearing, the lady preciding over the panel thanked me for coming and simply ended with ‘it was nice having you’. And I took my leave. Not before being cross examined by the hod himself to which I will reply here as I wasn’t given the room to respond to him then:
Question: did you meet me at any time to address this issue?
Answer: no sir. Why? Sir, with all due respect, a person who wants to be met, will make himself available. Until the announcement of the result you were unreachable. You blocked me on all social media outlets, even WhatsApp, where we used to chat regularly before this whole ruckus. You barred my lines and I there was no way I could call you. Even when I changed number, you somehow got notified and barred that one too. Do you honestly think, given all these antecedents, you wanted me to reach out sincerely speaking?
Question: why didn’t you write to the VC?
Answer: I wrote to the Provost, and it took nearly three months only to be told nothing could be done and I should prepare for next semester. This was after series of visits to the office with confirmation that the office of the Provost were on it and had demanded my script. If truly nothing could be done as later stated, why demand for my script? With all these, you sincerely think, given the time frame, anyone would opt for that?
Since then, until now, I heard nothing. They took my phone number anyway, but I got no text or calls from them. After series of personal conversations and talks with other people, I resolved to just pay for the extra hear and get it done with. I didn’t have the funds, so I had to beg and borrow from some persons. It is this January and you know how January is, so for most people I got promises of feedback and all, but I somehow managed to raise the money towards dying minutes. I just paid sometime last two weeks, 21st precisely. That was when we heard portal would be closing. I registered the courses and carried on with my life, until yesterday evening when I was notified of this most recent development.
I was expecting it, which was why I called days before paying to confirm the decision of the panel. The man picked my call, heard my voice and dropped the call. He didn’t pick again, so I stopped calling. I called the hod, bit he had barred my lines so I texted him. I didn’t get a reply.
I went ahead to pay. And now this.
You see ehn, let me not just talk much. Meanwhile, here is the matriculation oath that has no clause:
‘On admission to membership of the Delta State University, I sincerely and solemnly promise and declare that I will respect and obey the Vice Chancellor, and the other officers of the university, and that I will faithfully observe all existing regulations and any others which may from time to time be made for the good order and governance of the university. I faithfully promise to work for the good name of the university, to refrain from any act of violence and to make restitution for damage to property by me or the student body. I also promise to refrain from any other actions aimed at disrupting the work of the university or likely bring its name to disrepute.’
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It doesn’t further state; and if found wanting of these rules, or if this oath be breached by me, that the school has it within their power to met out any punishment they deem fit. There is no such clause. Expulsion? Such an outrageous decision! And how have I even breached this oath? If that is the argument? Have I physically confronted anyone? Have I reacted violently? My social media activities are gross misconduct? All the panels I was invited for, four to this date, I didn’t miss any, no matter how far or busy I was, I made it s duty to be present because there was nothing to hide or lie about.
Page 58 of the Student constitution book spells out expulsion well:
Expulsion: this is the outright withdrawal of the privilege of studentship from any undergraduate of the university by the vice chancellor. Such a student automatically loses the privilege of the use of all university facilities. Students punished by the Student Disciplinary committee may appeal to the University governing council against the verdict within seven days of the receipt of such a verdict.
The student who stumbled on this said it was published on the 19th of January. Yet I paid my fees on the 21st. My portal had been accessible and is still accessible until this minute. If there be any adjustment, it would be around now. I didn’t receive any verdict and would never have known about this if my attention wasn’t called to it.
Let it be known that I am ready to do everything within my power to further push this to whatever height it reaches. I wouldn’t want to indict myself so I would give no further details. From all the information I could garner throughout the night, there isn’t anywhere where it is stated explicitly that the penalty for breach of matriculation oath is expulsion. There hasn’t been any proof to these claims in fact; that I breached any oath. The oath is what it is, an oath, and nowhere does it state is as the rules and regulations of the university. To my knowledge, I haven’t been found wanting breakingnany such rules.
Page 45 of the student constitution handbook states explicitly that:
‘The university seeks to remove any dichotomy which tends to seperate the students from the university management. It seeks to destroy the old idea of master-servant relationship between student and management.’
And I clearly see how well you have done that.
Let it be known that all along, I had been a peace loving and rule abiding student. As freedom of speech is not an offence, I aired my views and fought a just fight and I am not willing to give up or back out now. I am ready to take whatever the results be in good faith, and if I am not incarcerated or sentenced, I will continue to pursue a sane, just and transparent society on every fore. It is that to this day, the 30th day of January, 2018, that I make this intentions known to the general public. Whatever steps and decisions I take henceforth, are solely my responsibilities and mine alone to bear the brunt of that which may be.
You may copy and tag or mention all blog channels or media organizations you know, this young man isn’t giving up this fight with the last drop of my blood.
Good morning.
Attached are relevant images.
I’m sorry I took some time off to calm myself down before I overreact and do something that might cost me more and I might later regret.
Apparently, many people are not comfortable with the length and I understand. I had to go all the way in documenting the entire tale.
Now here’s as best as a summary I could come up with:
Many people are missing it. I wasn’t expelled in 500 level. I was expelled after graduating for challenging my result that would have seen me sit for one extra year over two courses.
I was within my venting rights and I exhausted all available alternatives before I went public with the story. Of all the panels I had sat with, I wasn’t bullied. I was allowed to express myself to the fullest; except in my personal meeting with the dean, where he continually shut me up when I raised the discrepancies in the result breakdown. I had defended and past my project with a B. I had served the unions I served to the best of my abilities. I have not until this date challenged any constituted authority, except in year five first semester over the sales of handout, and I wasn’t even victimized. I got a B in said lecturer’s course.
The gross misconduct and breach of matriculation oath Delsu is referring to is my bringing it to social media. This was my last resort after being stalled for about three month since I wrote a letter for the issue to be addressed. Other than that, I haven’t been found wanting for anything else. Not malpractice, not impersonation, not disrupting of school peace, not cultism or property vandalism, not physical or verbal exchanges with any of the authorities. None of that.
Thanks to those making it their business. Thanks to those making it trend. It is a shame to the entire Nigerian educational body that nearly everybody is testifying to be able to relate to this, with some even sharing similar experiences. It is a shame that no university in Nigeria, can boldly beat their chest and say they are exempted from this type of thing. And these people are people’s fathers and mothers. These are the same people complaining about the inadequacies of the country.
I had to switch my phone off, for those who may have tried to call. I deliberately went offline since morning, to maintain my sanity. I didn’t go to work, I just slept off. I have seen the awareness this has created and I thank every single one of you for the efforts. An injustice to one is an injustice to all.
Aluta Continua!
Victoria Ascerta!
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