Earlier on Friday, planes raced over the waters of the Dammam Corniche, thrilling the crowd who had gathered to see the Red Bull Race.
The festivities at Life Park continued as American rapper Akon, French Montana and Amr Diab all took the stage for the second evening of the Asharqiah Music Festival.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Friday, February 28, 2020
Thị trường bất động sản Long Điền, Xuyên Mộc phát triển nóng theo hạ tầng
Long Điền và Xuyên Mộc đang là hai địa phương được hưởng nhiều nguồn lợi từ sự phát triển kinh tế - xã hội và hạ tầng vùng của Bà Rịa- Vũng Tàu.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/thi-truong-bat-dong-san-long-dien-xuyen-moc-phat-trien-nong-theo-ha-tang-ar103379
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/thi-truong-bat-dong-san-long-dien-xuyen-moc-phat-trien-nong-theo-ha-tang-ar103379
Mật độ xây dựng thấp - Chỉ số định giá BĐS trong thời đại đô thị hoá
Không phải là diện tích, số lượng tiện ích hay tên tuổi chủ đầu tư, mật độ xây dựng mới chính là yếu tố khẳng định sức hút của một dự án giữa thị trường cạnh tranh khốc liệt như hiện nay.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/mat-do-xay-dung-thap-chi-so-dinh-gia-bds-trong-thoi-dai-do-thi-hoa-ar103373
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/mat-do-xay-dung-thap-chi-so-dinh-gia-bds-trong-thoi-dai-do-thi-hoa-ar103373
Chính thức khởi động Giải thưởng bất động sản Việt Nam PropertyGuru lần thứ 6
Giải thưởng bất động sản Việt Nam (Vietnam Property Awards – VPA) lần thứ 6 do PropertyGuru tổ chức đã chính thức được khởi động. Thời gian tiếp nhận đề cử kéo dài đến ngày 5/6/2020.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/chinh-thuc-khoi-dong-giai-thuong-bat-dong-san-viet-nam-propertyguru-lan-thu-6-ar103372
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/chinh-thuc-khoi-dong-giai-thuong-bat-dong-san-viet-nam-propertyguru-lan-thu-6-ar103372
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Cần ban hành quy chế riêng cho condotel
Tại tọa đàm trực tuyến "Tháo gỡ khó khăn cho thị trường Condotel" do Báo Diễn đàn Doanh nghiệp tổ chức, các diễn giả cùng chung nhận định việc cấp sổ đỏ cho condotel giúp thị trường bất động sản nghỉ dưỡng phát triển minh bạch và lành mạnh hơn. Tuy nhiên, bên cạnh khung pháp lý đã có, phân khúc này vẫn cần quy chế riêng để khơi thông thị trường.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/can-ban-hanh-quy-che-rieng-cho-condotel-ar103370
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/can-ban-hanh-quy-che-rieng-cho-condotel-ar103370
Westgate giải “cơn khát” căn hộ giá từ 1,8 tỷ đồng
Trong bối cảnh nguồn cung căn hộ chất lượng với mức giá vừa túi tiền ngày càng khan hiếm, một tập đoàn bất động sản đã tiên phong giải bài toán này bằng cú bắt tay với các đối tác uy tín như quỹ đầu tư Creed Group, Coteccons Group... phát triển tổ hợp căn hộ Westgate tại trung tâm hành chính Tây Sài Gòn nằm trong phân khúc giá từ 1,8 tỷ.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/westgate-giai-con-khat-can-ho-gia-tu-1-8-ty-dong-ar103352
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/westgate-giai-con-khat-can-ho-gia-tu-1-8-ty-dong-ar103352
TP.HCM điều chỉnh quy hoạch khu dân cư hơn 260ha tại quận 7
Sở Quy hoạch - Kiến trúc sẽ định hướng tổ chức không gian, kiến trúc cảnh quan cho từng ô phố, trục đường và toàn khu vực lập quy hoạch Khu dân cư phía Nam rạch Bà Bướm.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/thong-tin-quy-hoach/tp-hcm-dieu-chinh-quy-hoach-khu-dan-cu-hon-260ha-tai-quan-7-ar103364
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/thong-tin-quy-hoach/tp-hcm-dieu-chinh-quy-hoach-khu-dan-cu-hon-260ha-tai-quan-7-ar103364
COVID-19 chỉ kéo giảm thị trường bất động sản trong ngắn hạn
Giới chuyên gia dự báo, những diễn biến phức tạp của COVID19 sẽ gây ảnh hưởng đến hoạt động giao dịch của các phân khúc bất động sản lâu hơn dự kiến. Tuy nhiên, tác động của dịch chỉ trong ngắn hạn, khoảng 6 tháng đầu năm.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/covid-19-chi-keo-giam-thi-truong-bat-dong-san-trong-ngan-han-ar103363
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/covid-19-chi-keo-giam-thi-truong-bat-dong-san-trong-ngan-han-ar103363
Nhận căn hộ trúng thưởng phải nộp những loại thuế gì?
Anh Long (Quận 7, TP.HCM) mới đây trúng thưởng giải đặc biệt là một căn hộ chung cư do chủ đầu tư tài trợ. Tuy nhiên, vì không có nhu cầu sử dụng nên anh Long muốn nhận và bán lại căn hộ này. Vậy, anh Long phải nộp những loại thuế phí gì khi thực hiện giao dịch đó?
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tu-van-luat-bat-dong-san/nhan-can-ho-trung-thuong-phai-nop-nhung-loai-thue-gi-ar103357
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tu-van-luat-bat-dong-san/nhan-can-ho-trung-thuong-phai-nop-nhung-loai-thue-gi-ar103357
Điều chỉnh chức năng khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội, bất động sản tiếp đà tăng trưởng mới
Bằng việc điều chỉnh quy mô phát triển khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội (Bình Định) từ phát triển công nghiệp, dịch vụ, đô thị chuyển sang trọng tâm phát triển du lịch, dịch vụ, đô thị, công nghiệp, cảng biển... đã mở ra cơ hội phát triển mới cho thành phố biển Quy Nhơn.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/dieu-chinh-chuc-nang-khu-kinh-te-nhon-hoi-bat-dong-san-tiep-da-tang-truong-moi-ar103346
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/dieu-chinh-chuc-nang-khu-kinh-te-nhon-hoi-bat-dong-san-tiep-da-tang-truong-moi-ar103346
[Infographic] 8 cách “săn” khách hàng hiệu quả nhất dành cho môi giới bất động sản
Thị trường bất động sản năm 2020 được đánh giá là tương đối khó khăn ở nhiều phân khúc. Sự cạnh tranh khốc liệt khiến việc tìm kiếm khách hàng trở thành thách thức không nhỏ đối với nhà môi giới bất động sản. Vậy làm sao để có thể tìm kiếm được khách hàng hiệu quả và tăng cường sàng lọc được khách hàng tiềm năng?
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/-infographic-8-cach-san-khach-hang-hieu-qua-nhat-danh-cho-moi-gioi-bat-dong-san-ar103358
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/-infographic-8-cach-san-khach-hang-hieu-qua-nhat-danh-cho-moi-gioi-bat-dong-san-ar103358
Thi công vượt tiến độ, dự án căn hộ cao cấp tại Bình Dương chuẩn bị ký hợp đồng mua bán
Trong bối cảnh nguồn cung khan hiếm, nhiều dự án chung cư bị đắp chiếu nhiều năm không rõ lý do, khiến khách hàng mất niềm tin vào chủ đầu tư, thì dự án Charm City của Charm Group chỉ mất vài tháng để hoàn thành nghiệm thu xong hầm, móng và sẽ tiến hành ký hợp đồng mua bán với cư dân tương lai vào đầu tháng 3/2020.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/thi-cong-vuot-tien-do-du-an-can-ho-cao-cap-tai-binh-duong-chuan-bi-ky-hop-dong-mua-ban-ar103350
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/thi-cong-vuot-tien-do-du-an-can-ho-cao-cap-tai-binh-duong-chuan-bi-ky-hop-dong-mua-ban-ar103350
Các tuyến vành đai “mở đường” cho BĐS Sài Gòn tăng nhiệt
Diện mạo TP.HCM đang ngày một thay đổi nhờ sự đổ bộ của các dự án giao thông liên kết với vùng kinh tế trọng điểm phía Nam. Trong đó, các tuyến vành đai đang được xem là chiến lược quan trọng, có sức bật đối với mọi lĩnh vực kinh tế - xã hội cũng như thị trường BĐS.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/cac-tuyen-vanh-dai-mo-duong-cho-bds-sai-gon-tang-nhiet-ar103356
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/cac-tuyen-vanh-dai-mo-duong-cho-bds-sai-gon-tang-nhiet-ar103356
#Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia bans religious pilgrims from visiting Mecca or Medina
Saudi Arabia has banned religious pilgrims from visiting Mecca or Medina to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the Kingdom.
A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Kingdom stated that they had been following developments of the virus for some time. In order to support countries impacted by the virus it said the Kingdom would be implementing 'approved international standards' in the form of a temporary ban on pilgrimages. The measure will raise fears over this year's hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca which begins in July and attracts more than two million worshippers. Completing the hajj at least once in a lifetime is one of the five pillars of Islam, but there is no word on whether the restrictions will still be in place by July. In addition, the umrah pilgrimage - which can be made at any time of year - will be heavily affected, especially because many pilgrims choose to undertake it during Ramadan which starts in April.
A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Kingdom stated that they had been following developments of the virus for some time. In order to support countries impacted by the virus it said the Kingdom would be implementing 'approved international standards' in the form of a temporary ban on pilgrimages. The measure will raise fears over this year's hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca which begins in July and attracts more than two million worshippers. Completing the hajj at least once in a lifetime is one of the five pillars of Islam, but there is no word on whether the restrictions will still be in place by July. In addition, the umrah pilgrimage - which can be made at any time of year - will be heavily affected, especially because many pilgrims choose to undertake it during Ramadan which starts in April.
Thị trường đình trệ, M&A bất động sản có thể gia tăng do corona
Những diễn biến phức tạp và kéo dài của dịch corona đã tiếp tục gia tăng áp lực lên thị trường bất động sản và cả nền kinh tế nói chung. Đây được xem là thời điểm vàng của những người có tiền mặt và những thương vụ chuyển nhượng lớn có thể gia tăng.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/thi-truong-dinh-tre-m-a-bat-dong-san-co-the-gia-tang-do-corona-ar103360
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/thi-truong-dinh-tre-m-a-bat-dong-san-co-the-gia-tang-do-corona-ar103360
Đồng Nai: Không mở thêm khu công nghiệp tại 3 khu vực trọng điểm
Ba khu vực trọng điểm là TP. Biên Hòa, huyện Nhơn Trạch và huyện Long Thành của tỉnh Đồng Nai đã dày đặc các khu công nghiệp nên sẽ không mở thêm khu công nghiệp tại đây.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/thong-tin-quy-hoach/dong-nai-khong-mo-them-khu-cong-nghiep-tai-3-khu-vuc-trong-diem-ar103355
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/thong-tin-quy-hoach/dong-nai-khong-mo-them-khu-cong-nghiep-tai-3-khu-vuc-trong-diem-ar103355
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Gần 3.400 khách hàng chưa tố cáo Alibaba lừa đảo?
Phía cơ quan công an cho biết, số nạn nhân tố cáo Công ty CP Địa ốc Alibaba còn quá thấp so với tổng số khách hàng đã mua nền đất của doanh nghiệp này.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/chinh-sach-quan-ly/gan-3-400-khach-hang-chua-to-cao-alibaba-lua-dao-ar103351
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/chinh-sach-quan-ly/gan-3-400-khach-hang-chua-to-cao-alibaba-lua-dao-ar103351
9x với 100 triệu đầu tư bất động sản thế nào?
[CÓ HẸN VỚI CHUYÊN GIA BẤT ĐỘNG SẢN #16] Có thể đầu tư bất động sản với 100 triệu không? Và đâu sẽ là mảnh đất màu mỡ dành cho những nhà đầu tư ít vốn?
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/9x-voi-100-trieu-dau-tu-bat-dong-san-the-nao-ar103347
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/9x-voi-100-trieu-dau-tu-bat-dong-san-the-nao-ar103347
3 điểm khác biệt tạo nên sức hút của tổ hợp Apec Aqua Park
Bên cạnh những ưu thế về vị trí, cảnh quan và loại hình căn hộ đa dạng, Apec Aqua Park còn đặc biệt thu hút sự quan tâm của khách hàng với 3 điểm khác biệt: tiện ích 5 sao đồng bộ, không gian sống chuẩn xanh và căn hộ thông minh bắt kịp xu thế 4.0.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/3-diem-khac-biet-tao-nen-suc-hut-cua-to-hop-apec-aqua-park-ar103349
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/3-diem-khac-biet-tao-nen-suc-hut-cua-to-hop-apec-aqua-park-ar103349
Xuất hiện tâm điểm đầu tư mới tại TP.HCM
Theo báo cáo của DKRA, năm 2019, nguồn cung đất nền tại TP.HCM giảm mạnh. Đơn vị này nhận định, năm 2020, đất nền vẫn là lựa chọn đầu tư hàng đầu. Nguồn cung mới sẽ tiếp tục khan hiếm và tập trung chủ yếu tại khu vực Nhà Bè, Bình Chánh, Quận 9... Trong đó, Nhà Bè đang là điểm đến mới thu hút giới đầu tư bất động sản, đặc biệt tại trục đường Nguyễn Hữu Thọ - Nguyễn Văn Tạo.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/xuat-hien-tam-diem-dau-tu-moi-tai-tp-hcm-ar103348
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/xuat-hien-tam-diem-dau-tu-moi-tai-tp-hcm-ar103348
Tiềm năng gia tăng giá trị của bất động sản Quận 2
Có một thực tế dễ thấy là cầu đường, trường học, trạm xe, sân bay… đi đến đâu thì giá trị bất động sản gia tăng tới đó. Đây cũng chính là lý do khiến nhiều nhà đầu tư tin tưởng vào thị trường căn hộ Quận 2, bởi hạ tầng giao thông và hạ tầng cơ sở tại đây đã được hoàn thiện bài bản.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/tiem-nang-gia-tang-gia-tri-cua-bat-dong-san-quan-2-ar103344
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/tiem-nang-gia-tang-gia-tri-cua-bat-dong-san-quan-2-ar103344
Hai giám đốc "vẽ dự án" cùng bị bắt trong tháng 2/2020
Cả hai lãnh đạo hai công ty địa ốc tại Bình Dương và Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu lần lượt bị bắt vào cuối tháng 2 do tự "vẽ dự án" để lừa đảo khách hàng.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/hai-giam-doc-ve-du-an-cung-bi-bat-trong-thang-2-2020-ar103343
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/hai-giam-doc-ve-du-an-cung-bi-bat-trong-thang-2-2020-ar103343
Tiền Giang: Khởi công xây dựng cầu Mỹ Thuận 2 vào 27/2
Ngày 27/2, dự án cầu Mỹ Thuận 2 với tổng chiều dài 6,6km sẽ được khởi công, dự kiến đến năm 2023 sẽ được hoàn thành.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/tien-giang-khoi-cong-xay-dung-cau-my-thuan-2-vao-27-2-ar103341
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/tien-giang-khoi-cong-xay-dung-cau-my-thuan-2-vao-27-2-ar103341
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Hà Nội khẳng định không lấp hồ Thành Công để xây chung cư
Về việc cải tạo chung cư cũ Thành Công, Chủ tịch UBND quận Ba Đình khẳng định thành phố không chấp thuận đề xuất lấp một phần hồ Thành Công để xây chung cư.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/chinh-sach-quan-ly/ha-noi-khang-dinh-khong-lap-ho-thanh-cong-de-xay-chung-cu-ar103339
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/chinh-sach-quan-ly/ha-noi-khang-dinh-khong-lap-ho-thanh-cong-de-xay-chung-cu-ar103339
Cẩn trọng với “sóng” đất nền đầu năm của thị trường Hà Nội
Thời điểm sau Tết, thị trường bất động sản Hà Nội nhìn chung khá yên ắng do dịch bệnh. Tuy nhiên, Hòa Lạc đang là khu vực hiếm hoi có sóng trên thị trường khi hoạt động giao dịch diễn ra khá sôi động. Đất tăng từ 1-2 giá so với năm ngoái và chưa ghi nhận hiện tượng đẩy giá ảo.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/can-trong-voi-song-dat-nen-dau-nam-cua-thi-truong-ha-noi-ar103336
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/can-trong-voi-song-dat-nen-dau-nam-cua-thi-truong-ha-noi-ar103336
Tranh cãi thời điểm nộp tiền sử dụng đất khi đầu tư dự án nhà ở
Cơ quan quản lý yêu cầu doanh nghiệp phải nộp tiền sử dụng đất trước khi triển khai các bước tiếp theo trong khi doanh nghiệp muốn đóng tiền sau khi dự án được triển khai xây dựng.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/tranh-cai-thoi-diem-nop-tien-su-dung-dat-khi-dau-tu-du-an-nha-o-ar103337
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/tranh-cai-thoi-diem-nop-tien-su-dung-dat-khi-dau-tu-du-an-nha-o-ar103337
Vì sao người Việt chuộng cất nhà đất hơn mua căn hộ chung cư?
Nhiều người Việt chấp nhận đi vay hoặc ở nhà thuê đến khi tích cóp đủ tiền mua nhà liền thổ, dù số tiền đó có thể đủ mua ngay một căn hộ chung cư. An ninh tốt, mức giá phong phú lại đủ tiện ích nội - ngoại khu…, nhưng điều gì khiến người dân chuộng nhà đất hơn chung cư?
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/vi-sao-nguoi-viet-chuong-cat-nha-dat-hon-mua-can-ho-chung-cu-ar103335
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/vi-sao-nguoi-viet-chuong-cat-nha-dat-hon-mua-can-ho-chung-cu-ar103335
Check out all the winners including Wizkid at the 51st #NAACP Image Awards in Hollywood
On Saturday night February 22, Lizzo, Just Mercy, and Black-ish were the big winners at the 51st NAACP Image Awards in Hollywood.
The Truth Hurts hitmaker beat out Billy Porter, Angela Bassett, Regina King, and Tyler Perry to be named Entertainer of the Year at the ceremony, which recognises entertainers of colour
The Truth Hurts hitmaker beat out Billy Porter, Angela Bassett, Regina King, and Tyler Perry to be named Entertainer of the Year at the ceremony, which recognises entertainers of colour
“We are such a beautiful people, this is just a reminder of all the beautiful things that we can do,” said Lizzo as she accepted the night’s final and biggest award, leaping and dancing off the stage at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium.
Meanwhile, Just Mercy took home three prizes, including Best Motion Picture, Best Actor for Michael B. Jordan and Best Supporting Actor for Jamie Foxx.
Jordan played a crusading defence attorney in the film, with Foxx starring as the wrongly convicted man he fought for.
“This project is a lot bigger than me. It’s about every person that’s wrongfully convicted and sitting in a jail cell right now,” Jordan said as he accepted the award for the movie, which is based on real-life events.
Jordan played a crusading defence attorney in the film, with Foxx starring as the wrongly convicted man he fought for.
“This project is a lot bigger than me. It’s about every person that’s wrongfully convicted and sitting in a jail cell right now,” Jordan said as he accepted the award for the movie, which is based on real-life events.
Foxx, who won his fifth overall Image Award for his performance, added: “Thank you so much, black people, African-Americans, and everything else we are.
“It’s always great to get it from black folks because we are so talented.”
“It’s always great to get it from black folks because we are so talented.”
Lupita Nyong’o won Best Actress in a film for her role in Us, and 15-year Marsai Martin received Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Little, beating out names including Jennifer Lopez, Janelle Monae, and Octavia Spencer.
It was a big night for black-ish, with the hit show taking home Outstanding Comedy Series, and sweeping all of the acting categories for comedy series.
Last year's Entertainer of the Year winner Beyonce also took home a handful of prizes, including Outstanding Female Artist, along with several nods for her album The Lion King: The Gift. Her daughter, Blue Ivy, was also recognised for the collaboration Brown Skin Girl.
And Rihanna took home the NAACP President’s Award for special achievement and distinguished public service, and she called for racial, religious and cultural unity during her acceptance speech.
Last year's Entertainer of the Year winner Beyonce also took home a handful of prizes, including Outstanding Female Artist, along with several nods for her album The Lion King: The Gift. Her daughter, Blue Ivy, was also recognised for the collaboration Brown Skin Girl.
And Rihanna took home the NAACP President’s Award for special achievement and distinguished public service, and she called for racial, religious and cultural unity during her acceptance speech.
“If there’s anything that I’ve learned, it’s that we can only fix this world together,” Rihanna said. “We can’t do it divided. Tell your friends to pull up.
“We’ve been denied opportunities since the beginning of time, and still we prevail… Imagine what we can do if we do it together," she added.
Anthony Anderson hosted the 2020 ceremony.
“We’ve been denied opportunities since the beginning of time, and still we prevail… Imagine what we can do if we do it together," she added.
Anthony Anderson hosted the 2020 ceremony.
The full list of winners is as follows:
Outstanding Comedy Series
Outstanding Actor in a Comedy Series
Anthony Anderson, black-ish
Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series
Tracee Ellis Ross, black-ish
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Deon Cole, black-ish
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Marsai Martin, black-ish
Outstanding Drama Series
Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series
Omari Hardwick, Power
Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series
Angela Bassett, 9-1-1
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Harold Perrineau, Claws
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Lynn Whitfield, Greenleaf
Outstanding Television Movie, Limited Series or Dramatic Special
When They See Us
Outstanding Actor in a Television Movie, Limited Series or Dramatic Special
Jharrel Jerome, When They See Us
Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Limited Series or Dramatic Special
Niecy Nash, When They See Us
Outstanding News/Information (Series or Special)
Outstanding Talk Series
Red Table Talk
Outstanding Reality Program/Reality Competition Series/Game Show
Rhythm + Flow
Outstanding Variety (Series or Special)
Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce
Outstanding Children’s Program
Family Reunion
Outstanding Performance by a Youth (Series, Special, Television Movie or Limited Series)
Marsai Martin, black-ish
Outstanding Host in a Talk or News/Information (Series or Special) – Individual or Ensemble
Jada Pinkett Smith, Red Table Talk
Outstanding Host in a Reality/Reality Competition, Game Show or Variety (Series or Special) – Individual or Ensemble
Steve Harvey, Celebrity Family Feud
Outstanding Guest Performance in a Comedy or Drama Series
Kelly Rowland, American Soul
Outstanding Documentary (Television – Series or Special)
Hitsville: The Making of Motown
Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series
The Good Place
Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series
Truth Be Told
Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series
Outstanding Directing in a Drama Series
Entertainer of the Year
Outstanding Motion Picture
Just Mercy
Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture
Michael B. Jordan – Just Mercy
Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture
Lupita Nyong’o – Us
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Jamie Foxx – Just Mercy
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
Marsai Martin – Little
Outstanding Breakthrough Performance in Motion Picture
Marsai Martin – Little
Outstanding Ensemble Cast in a Motion Picture
Just Mercy
Outstanding Independent Motion Picture
Dolemite Is My Name
Outstanding Album
Homecoming: The Live Album – Beyonce
Outstanding New Artist
Lil Nas X
Outstanding Male Artist
Bruno Mars
Outstanding Female Artist
Outstanding Song – Traditional
SPIRIT – Beyonce
Outstanding Song – Contemporary
Before I Let Go – Beyonce
Outstanding Duo, Group or Collaboration
Brown Skin Girl – Blue Ivy, SAINt JHN, Beyonce & WizKiD
Outstanding Jazz Album
Love & Liberation – Jazzmeia Horn
Outstanding Gospel/Christian Song (Traditional or Contemporary)
Love Theory – Kirk Franklin
Outstanding Music Video/Visual Album
Juice – Lizzo
Outstanding Soundtrack/Compilation Album
The Lion King: The Gift – Beyonce w/Various Artists
Congratulations to Nigeria's Starboy, Wizkid and all the winners.
Outstanding Actor in a Comedy Series
Anthony Anderson, black-ish
Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series
Tracee Ellis Ross, black-ish
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Deon Cole, black-ish
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Marsai Martin, black-ish
Outstanding Drama Series
Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series
Omari Hardwick, Power
Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series
Angela Bassett, 9-1-1
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Harold Perrineau, Claws
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Lynn Whitfield, Greenleaf
Outstanding Television Movie, Limited Series or Dramatic Special
When They See Us
Outstanding Actor in a Television Movie, Limited Series or Dramatic Special
Jharrel Jerome, When They See Us
Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Limited Series or Dramatic Special
Niecy Nash, When They See Us
Outstanding News/Information (Series or Special)
Outstanding Talk Series
Red Table Talk
Outstanding Reality Program/Reality Competition Series/Game Show
Rhythm + Flow
Outstanding Variety (Series or Special)
Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce
Outstanding Children’s Program
Family Reunion
Outstanding Performance by a Youth (Series, Special, Television Movie or Limited Series)
Marsai Martin, black-ish
Outstanding Host in a Talk or News/Information (Series or Special) – Individual or Ensemble
Jada Pinkett Smith, Red Table Talk
Outstanding Host in a Reality/Reality Competition, Game Show or Variety (Series or Special) – Individual or Ensemble
Steve Harvey, Celebrity Family Feud
Outstanding Guest Performance in a Comedy or Drama Series
Kelly Rowland, American Soul
Outstanding Documentary (Television – Series or Special)
Hitsville: The Making of Motown
Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series
The Good Place
Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series
Truth Be Told
Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series
Outstanding Directing in a Drama Series
Entertainer of the Year
Outstanding Motion Picture
Just Mercy
Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture
Michael B. Jordan – Just Mercy
Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture
Lupita Nyong’o – Us
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Jamie Foxx – Just Mercy
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
Marsai Martin – Little
Outstanding Breakthrough Performance in Motion Picture
Marsai Martin – Little
Outstanding Ensemble Cast in a Motion Picture
Just Mercy
Outstanding Independent Motion Picture
Dolemite Is My Name
Outstanding Album
Homecoming: The Live Album – Beyonce
Outstanding New Artist
Lil Nas X
Outstanding Male Artist
Bruno Mars
Outstanding Female Artist
Outstanding Song – Traditional
SPIRIT – Beyonce
Outstanding Song – Contemporary
Before I Let Go – Beyonce
Outstanding Duo, Group or Collaboration
Brown Skin Girl – Blue Ivy, SAINt JHN, Beyonce & WizKiD
Outstanding Jazz Album
Love & Liberation – Jazzmeia Horn
Outstanding Gospel/Christian Song (Traditional or Contemporary)
Love Theory – Kirk Franklin
Outstanding Music Video/Visual Album
Juice – Lizzo
Outstanding Soundtrack/Compilation Album
The Lion King: The Gift – Beyonce w/Various Artists
Congratulations to Nigeria's Starboy, Wizkid and all the winners.
#COVID19: The Countries Most Affected By #Coronavirus As At Today
China where the disease originated it the worst affected.
- China: 77,000+ (cases) 27,506 (total recovered) 2,664 (deaths)
- S. Korea 977 (cases) 22 (total recovered) 10 (deaths)
- Italy 232 (cases) 1 (total recovered) 7 (deaths)
- Japan 160 (cases) 23 (total recovered) 1 (death)
- Singapore 90 (cases) 53 (total recovered)
- Hong Kong 81 (cases) 12 (total recovered) 2 (deaths)
- Iran 61 (cases) 3 (total recovered) 15 (deaths)
- USA 53 (cases) 6 (total recovered)
- Thailand 37 (cases) 21 (total recovered)
- Taiwan 31 (cases) 5 (total recovered) 1 (death)
- Australia 22 (cases) 11 (total recovered)
- Malaysia 22 (cases) 20 (total recovered)
- Germany 16 (cases) 14 (total recovered)
- Vietnam 16 (cases) 16 (total recovered)
- UK 13 (cases) 8 (total recovered)
- UAE 13 (cases) 3 (total recovered)
- France 12 (cases) 11 (total recovered) 1 (death)
Monday, February 24, 2020
Lực lượng môi giới bất động sản rơi rụng nhiều sau Tết
Thị trường khó khăn do dịch bệnh cũng như khan hiếm nguồn hàng khiến lượng lớn môi giới BĐS phải tìm kiếm hướng đi mới. Nhiều sàn cũng có động thái cắt giảm nhân sự để duy trì hoạt động.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/luc-luong-moi-gioi-bat-dong-san-roi-rung-nhieu-sau-tet-ar103333
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/luc-luong-moi-gioi-bat-dong-san-roi-rung-nhieu-sau-tet-ar103333
Lộc Ninh Singashine - Chốn an cư thanh bình nơi cửa ngõ thủ đô
Những năm gần đây, việc đẩy nhanh tiến độ các dự án trong khu công nghệ cao Hòa Lạc và KĐT Đại học quốc gia đã đánh thức tiềm năng cửa ngõ phía Tây Nam thủ đô. Theo đó, chuỗi dự án bất động sản dọc các tuyến đường cao tốc trọng điểm đang trở thành “thỏi nam châm” có từ trường mạnh đối với các nhà đầu tư.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/loc-ninh-singashine-chon-an-cu-thanh-binh-noi-cua-ngo-thu-do-ar103317
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/loc-ninh-singashine-chon-an-cu-thanh-binh-noi-cua-ngo-thu-do-ar103317
Khu đô thị Cát Lái – “Điểm sáng” của thị trường bất động sản Quận 2
Nằm ngay cửa ngõ khu Đông TP.HCM, Khu đô thị Cát Lái, Quận 2 phát triển vượt trội với nhiều dự án chất lượng đang trở thành điểm sáng của khu vực.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/khu-do-thi-cat-lai-diem-sang-cua-thi-truong-bat-dong-san-quan-2-ar103327
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/khu-do-thi-cat-lai-diem-sang-cua-thi-truong-bat-dong-san-quan-2-ar103327
Mẹ chồng có quyền đòi nhà, không cho con dâu ở?
Chồng mất đột ngột, gia đình chồng muốn đòi lại ngôi nhà đã tặng riêng cho con trai sau khi cưới vợ có đúng pháp luật không?
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tu-van-luat-bat-dong-san/me-chong-co-quyen-doi-nha-khong-cho-con-dau-o-ar103332
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tu-van-luat-bat-dong-san/me-chong-co-quyen-doi-nha-khong-cho-con-dau-o-ar103332
#FarewellKobe: All the PHOTOS & NEWS from Kobe Bryant & Gianna's memorial service tonight
Beyoncé opened the memorial service with passionate performances of her hits XO and Halo.
After her performance, an emotional Jimmy Kimmel took the stage. He was overcome with emotion as he told the audience members that today was about 'gratitude'. Kimmel said that the world could be 'grateful for the time we had with them'. The host said sports is unique in that it brings together people from various backgrounds to celebrate something they all love.
Nearly the entire crowd heeded Kimmel's suggestion that they introduce themselves and shake hands and hug the people next to them. That was followed by a spontaneous chant of 'Kobe'. He later introduced Vanessa who gave mourners an intimate portrait of the lives of her husband and their daughter.
'He was my everything,' she said, recalling meeting Bryant when she was 17 years old. 'He was the most amazing husband.' She said the world saw Kobe as a celebrity and basketball legend - the Black Mamba - but to her he was her best friend and protector. 'To my soulmate,' Vanessa said before describing the NBA legend as a loving husband and devoted father with a tender heart who was 'the MVP of girl dads'. He loved to watch romantic movies with them and put them to bed every night.
Vanessa said she and Kobe planned to renew their vows and travel the world together. They talked about how they looked forward to becoming the 'cool grandparents' after their kids have their own children. She fought back tears as she described Gianna as a sweet, thoughtful soul who loved kissing her mother good morning and goodnight. Vanessa said Gianna loved swimming, singing along with hit songs, baking cookies and watching 'Survivor' and NBA games with her father. She says the 13-year-old loved basketball so much she even offered the boys' basketball team advice. Vanessa predicted that Gianna could have become 'the best player in the WNBA'. She spoke of her heartbreak at not being able to watch Gianna grow up and missing important moments of her life.
'I won't be able to tell her how gorgeous she looks on her wedding day,' she said through tears. 'I'll never get to see my baby girl walk down the aisle, have a father-daughter dance with her daddy.' The service took place at the Staples Center, the arena where Bryant played for the Los Angeles Lakers for two decades. The stage was surrounded by thousands of red roses as a host of NBA greats past and present attended the service. Jerry West, Phil Jackson, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Bill Russell, Pau Gasol and Steph Curry were among the crowd at Staples Center. Among other celebrities attending the memorial were filmmaker Spike Lee - who was close friends with Kobe and directed a documentary on his life - and rapper Snoop Dogg, an avid Lakers fan.
Attendees watched a few videos highlighting the 20-year career of the former Los Angeles Lakers star. The service featured speakers reflecting on Kobe Bryant's impact on his sport and the world, along with music and retrospectives on Bryant's on-court achievements. Bryant became active in film, television and writing after he retired from basketball in 2016. Outside the Staples Center, the concourse was a sea of people dressed in the team colors of purple and yellow and others in black. On the scoreboard, the Bryant family's life flashed by in pictures: Vanessa and Kobe, Kobe and Gianna, the whole family in costumes, Gianna on the court, baby pictures of Gianna and her father.
Fans were given a program containing photos, a purple KB pin and a T-shirt with photos of the father and daughter. Money from ticket sales will be given to the Mamba and Mambacita Sports Foundation, which supports youth sports programs in underserved communities and teaches sports to girls and women. Vendors sold flowers, Lakers scarves and commemorative newspapers and jerseys. Buses drove up and down Figueroa Street with their signs lit up with 'RIP KOBE.' Bryant's death caused an outpouring of grief across Los Angeles, where he remained the city's most popular athlete into retirement.
Dozens of public memorials and murals have been installed around the sprawling metropolis, and thousands of fans gathered daily outside Staples Center to commiserate after the crash. Vanessa chose February 24 as the date in honor of the uniform numbers of Kobe and Gianna, who wore No. 2 on her youth basketball teams.
A private funeral was held for Kobe and Gianna Bryant in Orange County on February 7.
Rest in perfect peace Kobe, GiGi and the other 7.
Vanessa Bryant sues company that owned helicopter that crashed, killing Kobe, Gigi & 7 others.
After her performance, an emotional Jimmy Kimmel took the stage. He was overcome with emotion as he told the audience members that today was about 'gratitude'. Kimmel said that the world could be 'grateful for the time we had with them'. The host said sports is unique in that it brings together people from various backgrounds to celebrate something they all love.
Nearly the entire crowd heeded Kimmel's suggestion that they introduce themselves and shake hands and hug the people next to them. That was followed by a spontaneous chant of 'Kobe'. He later introduced Vanessa who gave mourners an intimate portrait of the lives of her husband and their daughter.
'He was my everything,' she said, recalling meeting Bryant when she was 17 years old. 'He was the most amazing husband.' She said the world saw Kobe as a celebrity and basketball legend - the Black Mamba - but to her he was her best friend and protector. 'To my soulmate,' Vanessa said before describing the NBA legend as a loving husband and devoted father with a tender heart who was 'the MVP of girl dads'. He loved to watch romantic movies with them and put them to bed every night.
Vanessa said she and Kobe planned to renew their vows and travel the world together. They talked about how they looked forward to becoming the 'cool grandparents' after their kids have their own children. She fought back tears as she described Gianna as a sweet, thoughtful soul who loved kissing her mother good morning and goodnight. Vanessa said Gianna loved swimming, singing along with hit songs, baking cookies and watching 'Survivor' and NBA games with her father. She says the 13-year-old loved basketball so much she even offered the boys' basketball team advice. Vanessa predicted that Gianna could have become 'the best player in the WNBA'. She spoke of her heartbreak at not being able to watch Gianna grow up and missing important moments of her life.
'I won't be able to tell her how gorgeous she looks on her wedding day,' she said through tears. 'I'll never get to see my baby girl walk down the aisle, have a father-daughter dance with her daddy.' The service took place at the Staples Center, the arena where Bryant played for the Los Angeles Lakers for two decades. The stage was surrounded by thousands of red roses as a host of NBA greats past and present attended the service. Jerry West, Phil Jackson, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Bill Russell, Pau Gasol and Steph Curry were among the crowd at Staples Center. Among other celebrities attending the memorial were filmmaker Spike Lee - who was close friends with Kobe and directed a documentary on his life - and rapper Snoop Dogg, an avid Lakers fan.
Attendees watched a few videos highlighting the 20-year career of the former Los Angeles Lakers star. The service featured speakers reflecting on Kobe Bryant's impact on his sport and the world, along with music and retrospectives on Bryant's on-court achievements. Bryant became active in film, television and writing after he retired from basketball in 2016. Outside the Staples Center, the concourse was a sea of people dressed in the team colors of purple and yellow and others in black. On the scoreboard, the Bryant family's life flashed by in pictures: Vanessa and Kobe, Kobe and Gianna, the whole family in costumes, Gianna on the court, baby pictures of Gianna and her father.
Fans were given a program containing photos, a purple KB pin and a T-shirt with photos of the father and daughter. Money from ticket sales will be given to the Mamba and Mambacita Sports Foundation, which supports youth sports programs in underserved communities and teaches sports to girls and women. Vendors sold flowers, Lakers scarves and commemorative newspapers and jerseys. Buses drove up and down Figueroa Street with their signs lit up with 'RIP KOBE.' Bryant's death caused an outpouring of grief across Los Angeles, where he remained the city's most popular athlete into retirement.
Dozens of public memorials and murals have been installed around the sprawling metropolis, and thousands of fans gathered daily outside Staples Center to commiserate after the crash. Vanessa chose February 24 as the date in honor of the uniform numbers of Kobe and Gianna, who wore No. 2 on her youth basketball teams.
A private funeral was held for Kobe and Gianna Bryant in Orange County on February 7.
Rest in perfect peace Kobe, GiGi and the other 7.
Vanessa Bryant sues company that owned helicopter that crashed, killing Kobe, Gigi & 7 others.
Vanessa Bryant sues company that owned helicopter that crashed, killing Kobe, Gigi & 7 others
Attorneys for Vanessa Bryant have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the company that operated the doomed helicopter that crashed last month, killing her husband, Kobe, and their 13-year-old daughter, Gianna.
The lawsuit that was filed on Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court said pilot, Ara Zobayan, was careless and negligent by flying in cloudy conditions January 26 and should have aborted the flight. Zobayan was among the nine people killed in the crash.
The lawsuit names Island Express Helicopters Inc and also targets Zobayan's legal representative, listed only as 'Doe 1' until a name can be determined.
Vanessa's lawsuit asserts that Zobayan was negligent in eight different ways, including failing to properly assess the weather, flying into conditions he wasn't cleared for and failing to control the helicopter. has just sued the company that owned the doomed helicopter that crashed, killing Kobe, Gigi and 7 others ... claiming the aircraft should never have been placed in the peril it was in before the Jan. 26 accident.
The lawsuit alleges Island Express was only allowed to fly under visual flight rules, and the conditions the day of the crash were not conducive for such flying. As was reported, the fog was extremely low and the pilot was in blinding conditions before the mishap. The lawsuit also says the pilot was going 180 miles per hour in the heavy fog in a steep decline in the moments before it crashed in Calabasas, CA.
The lawsuit claims the pilot failed to properly monitor and assess the weather prior to takeoff, failed to obtain proper weather data prior to the flight, failed to abort the flight when he knew of the cloudy condition, failed to maintain control of the helicopter and failed to avoid "natural obstacles" in the flight path. The suit says Island Express engaged in unnecessary and needlessly risky means of transportation under the circumstances. The suit also asks for damages for "pre-impact" terror -- damages for the emotional trauma Kobe and Gigi suffered as the pilot struggled to get out of the clouds before the crash.
The lawsuit also says the pilot, Ara George Zobayan, was disciplined in 2015 for violating the visual flight rule minimums by flying into an airspace of reduced visibility. The lawsuit also claims the helicopter was not safe, although it doesn't say what was unsafe. It could be the basis for the claim is that the helicopter was not certified to fly in bad weather.
The lawsuit does not list an amount of damages sought, but Vanessa is asking for punitive damages, claiming the pilot and Island Express were reckless, and the damages could be untold millions. The suit seeks damages for loss of love, affection, care, society, service, comfort, support, right to support, companionship, solace or moral support and expectations of future support and counseling.
The suit also seeks money for loss of financial support and for burial and funeral expenses.
Culled From TMZ.
#FarewellKobe: All the PHOTOS & NEWS from Kobe Bryant & Gianna's memorial service tonight.
The lawsuit that was filed on Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court said pilot, Ara Zobayan, was careless and negligent by flying in cloudy conditions January 26 and should have aborted the flight. Zobayan was among the nine people killed in the crash.
The lawsuit names Island Express Helicopters Inc and also targets Zobayan's legal representative, listed only as 'Doe 1' until a name can be determined.
Vanessa's lawsuit asserts that Zobayan was negligent in eight different ways, including failing to properly assess the weather, flying into conditions he wasn't cleared for and failing to control the helicopter. has just sued the company that owned the doomed helicopter that crashed, killing Kobe, Gigi and 7 others ... claiming the aircraft should never have been placed in the peril it was in before the Jan. 26 accident.
The lawsuit alleges Island Express was only allowed to fly under visual flight rules, and the conditions the day of the crash were not conducive for such flying. As was reported, the fog was extremely low and the pilot was in blinding conditions before the mishap. The lawsuit also says the pilot was going 180 miles per hour in the heavy fog in a steep decline in the moments before it crashed in Calabasas, CA.
The lawsuit claims the pilot failed to properly monitor and assess the weather prior to takeoff, failed to obtain proper weather data prior to the flight, failed to abort the flight when he knew of the cloudy condition, failed to maintain control of the helicopter and failed to avoid "natural obstacles" in the flight path. The suit says Island Express engaged in unnecessary and needlessly risky means of transportation under the circumstances. The suit also asks for damages for "pre-impact" terror -- damages for the emotional trauma Kobe and Gigi suffered as the pilot struggled to get out of the clouds before the crash.
The lawsuit also says the pilot, Ara George Zobayan, was disciplined in 2015 for violating the visual flight rule minimums by flying into an airspace of reduced visibility. The lawsuit also claims the helicopter was not safe, although it doesn't say what was unsafe. It could be the basis for the claim is that the helicopter was not certified to fly in bad weather.
The lawsuit does not list an amount of damages sought, but Vanessa is asking for punitive damages, claiming the pilot and Island Express were reckless, and the damages could be untold millions. The suit seeks damages for loss of love, affection, care, society, service, comfort, support, right to support, companionship, solace or moral support and expectations of future support and counseling.
The suit also seeks money for loss of financial support and for burial and funeral expenses.
Culled From TMZ.
#FarewellKobe: All the PHOTOS & NEWS from Kobe Bryant & Gianna's memorial service tonight.
Photo: See what Floyd Mayweather said to Deonatay Wilder after his loss to Tyson Fury
TP.HCM: Điều chỉnh quy hoạch Khu đô thị Tây Bắc hơn 6.000ha
Các khu dân cư hiện hữu sẽ được chỉnh trang, tránh làm cuộc sống người dân bị xáo trộn. Đối với những khu ở mới, các công trình cao tầng được ưu tiên bố trí dọc các trục giao thông chính...
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/thong-tin-quy-hoach/tp-hcm-dieu-chinh-quy-hoach-khu-do-thi-tay-bac-hon-6-000ha-ar103331
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/thong-tin-quy-hoach/tp-hcm-dieu-chinh-quy-hoach-khu-do-thi-tay-bac-hon-6-000ha-ar103331
#WilderFury2 PHOTOS of Tyson Fury licking Deontay Wilder's blood hit the internet
*Ki lon bloodulate?
What's bloodulating? 🤣
Tyson Fury left fans inside the MGM Grand and around the world with mouths agape in the small hours of Sunday morning, after appearing to lick the blood of Deontay Wilder on his way to the grandest of victories. Fury picked apart his opponent on the biggest stage of all, forcing the opposition corner to throw in the towel in round seven. But it was not only Fury's precision punching and delicate movements which caught the eye, after the 'Gypsy King' was seen tasting the blood of his rival as Wilder held on for dear life.
What's bloodulating? 🤣
Tyson Fury left fans inside the MGM Grand and around the world with mouths agape in the small hours of Sunday morning, after appearing to lick the blood of Deontay Wilder on his way to the grandest of victories. Fury picked apart his opponent on the biggest stage of all, forcing the opposition corner to throw in the towel in round seven. But it was not only Fury's precision punching and delicate movements which caught the eye, after the 'Gypsy King' was seen tasting the blood of his rival as Wilder held on for dear life.
Photos: #Megxit: Check out Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's $7M Malibu mansion-to-be
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly eyeing up a stylish $7million Malibu mansion in the countdown to 'Megxit', when the couple will end all official royal duties on March 31.
The Sussexes stated they would be splitting their time between the UK and the US, and spent their six-week Christmas holiday at a luxurious £14.1million waterside mansion on Vancouver Island. While they are currently residing in Canada, there are now reports the couple are keen to relocate to California, where they would be close to Meghan's mother Doria Ragland, Silicon Valley and Hollywood. The pair and are said to be considering a spectacular house currently owned by Baywatch star David Charvet and his wife Brooke Burke, which boasts eight bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a home cinema and stylish wine cellar.
The Sussexes stated they would be splitting their time between the UK and the US, and spent their six-week Christmas holiday at a luxurious £14.1million waterside mansion on Vancouver Island. While they are currently residing in Canada, there are now reports the couple are keen to relocate to California, where they would be close to Meghan's mother Doria Ragland, Silicon Valley and Hollywood. The pair and are said to be considering a spectacular house currently owned by Baywatch star David Charvet and his wife Brooke Burke, which boasts eight bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a home cinema and stylish wine cellar.
93.000 sản phẩm BĐS được nghiệm thu đưa vào sử dụng
Đến hết năm 2019, có gần 93.000 sản phẩm được chấp thuận nghiệm thu, đưa vào sử dụng, gồm cả nhà ở, căn hộ du lịch, văn phòng kết hợp lưu trú.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/chinh-sach-quan-ly/93-000-san-pham-bds-duoc-nghiem-thu-dua-vao-su-dung-ar103329
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/chinh-sach-quan-ly/93-000-san-pham-bds-duoc-nghiem-thu-dua-vao-su-dung-ar103329
Sunday, February 23, 2020
TP.HCM: 65 căn chung cư được ngân hàng rao bán từ 15 triệu/m2
Ngân hàng vừa thông báo bán phát mại lần thứ 3 trong vòng 5 tháng đối với hàng chục căn hộ thuộc dự án The Era Town nằm tại quận 7, TP.HCM.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/tp-hcm-65-can-chung-cu-duoc-ngan-hang-rao-ban-tu-15-trieu-m2-ar103328
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/tp-hcm-65-can-chung-cu-duoc-ngan-hang-rao-ban-tu-15-trieu-m2-ar103328
TP.HCM sẽ gỡ khó hàng tuần cho các dự án bất động sản
Chủ tịch UBND TP.HCM cho biết, thành phố sẽ lập tổ công tác giải quyết hàng tuần để tháo gỡ vướng mắc cho hàng chục dự án kéo dài của 19 doanh nghiệp địa ốc.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/chinh-sach-quan-ly/tp-hcm-se-go-kho-hang-tuan-cho-cac-du-an-bat-dong-san-ar103325
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/chinh-sach-quan-ly/tp-hcm-se-go-kho-hang-tuan-cho-cac-du-an-bat-dong-san-ar103325
Cấp sổ đỏ condotel: BĐS nghỉ dưỡng trên đà giảm tốc bỗng khởi sắc?
Mới đây, Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường có Công văn hướng dẫn về việc “cấp sổ đỏ” cho condotel. Động thái này liệu có kích thích sự khởi sắc của bất động sản nghỉ dưỡng vốn đang trên đà giảm tốc 2 năm qua?
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/cap-so-do-condotel-bds-nghi-duong-tren-da-giam-toc-bong-khoi-sac-ar103324
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/phan-tich-nhan-dinh/cap-so-do-condotel-bds-nghi-duong-tren-da-giam-toc-bong-khoi-sac-ar103324
Giao dịch nhà đất vùng ven TP.HCM tĩnh lặng đầu năm
Giao dịch mua bán nhà đất tại hầu hết các tỉnh thành phía Nam có dấu hiệu giảm trong thời điểm tháng 1 và đầu tháng 2 do thiếu hụt nguồn hàng sơ cấp và tác động từ dịch bệnh.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/giao-dich-nha-dat-vung-ven-tp-hcm-tinh-lang-dau-nam-ar103323
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/giao-dich-nha-dat-vung-ven-tp-hcm-tinh-lang-dau-nam-ar103323
Tin tức bất động sản nổi bật tuần từ 17/02 đến 22/02/2020
Trong khi bức tranh chung của thị trường bất động sản đang khá đìu hiu vì dịch viêm phổi cấp thì tại khu vực phía Nam, cơn sốt đất ở một huyện ngoại thành Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu khiến thị trường được hâm nóng. Đây cũng là thông tin đáng chú ý nhất của thị trường bất động sản tuần qua.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/tin-tuc-bat-dong-san-noi-bat-tuan-tu-17-02-den-22-02-2020-ar103319
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/tin-tuc-bat-dong-san-noi-bat-tuan-tu-17-02-den-22-02-2020-ar103319
Westgate chinh phục khách hàng với tiện ích cao cấp trong tổ hợp căn hộ giá tầm trung
Tiếp nối chiến lược phát triển dòng sản phẩm vừa túi tiền với chất lượng xây dựng và thiết kế vượt trội, tích hợp tiện ích cao cấp vượt xa kỳ vọng phân khúc tầm trung, tổ hợp căn hộ Westgate của An Gia nhanh chóng trở thành lựa chọn hấp dẫn để an cư và đầu tư ngay những ngày đầu ra mắt.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/westgate-chinh-phuc-khach-hang-voi-tien-ich-cao-cap-trong-to-hop-can-ho-gia-tam-trung-ar103313
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản - Batdongsan.com.vn https://batdongsan.com.vn/tin-thi-truong/westgate-chinh-phuc-khach-hang-voi-tien-ich-cao-cap-trong-to-hop-can-ho-gia-tam-trung-ar103313
Video: Diddy undergoes his 4th surgery in 2 years
Prayers up for Diddy!
According to People:
On Friday, the Grammy Award-winning artist, 50, revealed to fans that he was undergoing his fourth surgery in two years.
In a series of videos filmed from his hospital bed and shared on his Instagram Stories, Diddy apologized for missing his scheduled appearance in San Francisco before telling fans that he was going under the knife to repair a quadriceps tendon tear.
“I just found out yesterday, they squeezed me in for today,” he shared in a video in which nurses can be seen preparing his left leg for the medical procedure. “Pray for ya boy, I’m gonna see you all next time and make it up y’all.” The music mogul then went on to speak about the cause of his latest hospital visit, explaining to followers that he’s probably “one of the most accident-prone people in the world.” “I’m clumsy. I trip. I fall. I fall in holes. It’s always been like that,” he shared. “This is my fourth surgery in two years. I’ve had two rotator cuffs, a knee replacement, and now it’s on quad.”
He continued, “At the end of the day, this is God’s work to slow me down, take better care of body and eat right — and just stop treating my body like a machine.” “This is unbelievable,” he added, before telling his fans that he doesn’t want any sympathy. “I did it to myself by accident.”
Diddy also recounted his surgical history in the Instagram Stories, sharing that he’s had about 10 medical procedures in his lifetime so far including four rotator cuff surgeries, a partial knee replacement and operations on his toe, wrist and bicep.
“I just wanna be honest with ya and say to everybody else that’s clumsy and accident-prone, I pray for you,” he said. “Pray for me. This is gonna be my last surgery, I promise.”
After sharing clips of his doctor shaving his leg in preparation for surgery, Diddy ended his health update with an inspirational message for the group of children fighting childhood cancer that he met with on The Ellen DeGeneres Show the day before.
“You guys are truly inspiring me now,” he said, before launching into a rendition of his 2001 song “Bad Boy for Life.”
He added, “Never give up. Praise. Peace.”
According to People:
On Friday, the Grammy Award-winning artist, 50, revealed to fans that he was undergoing his fourth surgery in two years.
In a series of videos filmed from his hospital bed and shared on his Instagram Stories, Diddy apologized for missing his scheduled appearance in San Francisco before telling fans that he was going under the knife to repair a quadriceps tendon tear.
“I just found out yesterday, they squeezed me in for today,” he shared in a video in which nurses can be seen preparing his left leg for the medical procedure. “Pray for ya boy, I’m gonna see you all next time and make it up y’all.” The music mogul then went on to speak about the cause of his latest hospital visit, explaining to followers that he’s probably “one of the most accident-prone people in the world.” “I’m clumsy. I trip. I fall. I fall in holes. It’s always been like that,” he shared. “This is my fourth surgery in two years. I’ve had two rotator cuffs, a knee replacement, and now it’s on quad.”
He continued, “At the end of the day, this is God’s work to slow me down, take better care of body and eat right — and just stop treating my body like a machine.” “This is unbelievable,” he added, before telling his fans that he doesn’t want any sympathy. “I did it to myself by accident.”
Diddy also recounted his surgical history in the Instagram Stories, sharing that he’s had about 10 medical procedures in his lifetime so far including four rotator cuff surgeries, a partial knee replacement and operations on his toe, wrist and bicep.
“I just wanna be honest with ya and say to everybody else that’s clumsy and accident-prone, I pray for you,” he said. “Pray for me. This is gonna be my last surgery, I promise.”
After sharing clips of his doctor shaving his leg in preparation for surgery, Diddy ended his health update with an inspirational message for the group of children fighting childhood cancer that he met with on The Ellen DeGeneres Show the day before.
“You guys are truly inspiring me now,” he said, before launching into a rendition of his 2001 song “Bad Boy for Life.”
He added, “Never give up. Praise. Peace.”
The Most Likely Dates For #Ramadan2020
The holy month of Ramadan for the Hijri year 1441 is likely to begin on Friday, April 24, 2020.
The Hijri calendar however, is a bit more ambiguous than the Gregorian one, since it depends on the visibility of the moon – dates of each month can vary from 29 to 30 days – and astronomers also have to take weather conditions into consideration before announcing the new month. Ebrahim Al Jarwan, General Supervisor at Sharjah Planetarium, said that through calculations based on astronomy, you can determine when months on the Islamic calendar are most likely to fall.
Al Jarwan said that astronomical calculations showed that the crescent of Ramadan will appear on Thursday, April 23 at 6:26 during the sunset, and will disappear 20 minutes after the sunset. He added that the crescent of Shawwal will appear on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 9.39pm on Saturday. Moreover, Al Jarwan said that the month Dhul Hijjah will begin on July 22, and Eid Al Adha will be observed on Friday, July 31.
The Hijri calendar however, is a bit more ambiguous than the Gregorian one, since it depends on the visibility of the moon – dates of each month can vary from 29 to 30 days – and astronomers also have to take weather conditions into consideration before announcing the new month. Ebrahim Al Jarwan, General Supervisor at Sharjah Planetarium, said that through calculations based on astronomy, you can determine when months on the Islamic calendar are most likely to fall.
Al Jarwan said that astronomical calculations showed that the crescent of Ramadan will appear on Thursday, April 23 at 6:26 during the sunset, and will disappear 20 minutes after the sunset. He added that the crescent of Shawwal will appear on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 9.39pm on Saturday. Moreover, Al Jarwan said that the month Dhul Hijjah will begin on July 22, and Eid Al Adha will be observed on Friday, July 31.
Wizkid becomes the first Nigerian artist to win an #NAACP award, thanks to Beyonce's #BrownSkinGirl
Wizkid has won the prestigious National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) award alongside Beyoncé, for their collaboration “Brown Skin Girl” off “The Lion King: The Gift” album.
The NAACP Image Award is an award to honor outstanding performances in film, television, music, and literature, and “Brown Skin Girl” won in the “Outstanding Duo, Group or Collaboration” category at the 2020 edition. Wizkid was nominated alongside other prominent American artistes like Drake, Chris Brown, Alicia Keys, J Cole, and Miguel and his win makes him the first Nigerian artiste to win the prestigious award.
The NAACP Image Award is an award to honor outstanding performances in film, television, music, and literature, and “Brown Skin Girl” won in the “Outstanding Duo, Group or Collaboration” category at the 2020 edition. Wizkid was nominated alongside other prominent American artistes like Drake, Chris Brown, Alicia Keys, J Cole, and Miguel and his win makes him the first Nigerian artiste to win the prestigious award.
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