Cuối năm thường được coi là dịp làm ăn của môi giới bất động sản khi dòng tiền trong dân lớn, nhu cầu mua ở thực và đầu tư tăng cao. Thế nhưng, thời điểm cuối năm nay, theo ghi nhận của, phần lớn môi giới phân khúc chung cư Hà Nội đang gặp khó, chỉ riêng môi giới đất nền vẫn “hái” ra tiền.
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Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Giải đáp 3 câu hỏi kinh điển liên quan việc đứng tên trên sổ đỏ
Lời giải cho những câu hỏi như: Chung tiền mua đất, sổ đỏ đứng tên ai? Vợ có quyền gì khi chồng một mình đứng tên sổ đỏ? Đất được nhiều người thừa kế, giấy tờ sở hữu ghi tên người nào?... đều được pháp luật quy định rõ ràng, sử dụng làm căn cứ giải quyết khi phát sinh tranh chấp.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Police close investigation into deaths of RCCG Pastor Gabriel Diya & 2 children who drowned in Spain
Spanish police probing the deaths of a British pastor and his two children in a pool at a resort on the Costa Del Sol have closed the investigation.
Gabriel Diya, 52, his daughter Comfort, nine, and his son Praise-Emmanuel, 16, drowned on Christmas Eve at the Club La Costa World in Fuengirola. A police spokesman described it as a freak accident and put their deaths down to a lack of swimming ability. But Gabriel Diya's wife, Olubunmi, wants the investigation to continue and is 'not satisfied' their deaths were a 'simple accident'. She previously said in a statement all three victims could swim and she could seek further investigations, her lawyer has said. Mrs Diya, from Charlton, south east London, also claimed 'something was wrong' with the Spanish hotel pool after her little girl's swim cap was found in the pool pump by police divers.
But today Spanish police handed the conclusions of their initial report to a magistrate and the findings will later be made public, according to the BBC. Javier Toro, a lawyer acting for Mrs Diya, said different engineers could be brought in for a 'parallel investigation' after police said their own findings point to the incident being a 'tragic accident'. Hotel operator CLC World Resorts and Hotels has said Mrs Diya's claims are 'directly at odds with the findings of the police report'. In a statement it stressed police findings made it 'clear that their exhaustive investigations have confirmed the pool was working normally and there was no malfunction of any kind'. An English translation of a Guardia Civil statement, released by the hotel operator yesterday, stated that tests had found 'no irregularity' in the pool's system. It said investigations indicated the accident was 'caused by the lack of expertise of the victims when swimming'.
But Mr Toro was quoted by the BBC as saying: 'It's very rare for three people to die in the centre of a swimming pool - especially in the case of a tall, hefty man.

But today Spanish police handed the conclusions of their initial report to a magistrate and the findings will later be made public, according to the BBC. Javier Toro, a lawyer acting for Mrs Diya, said different engineers could be brought in for a 'parallel investigation' after police said their own findings point to the incident being a 'tragic accident'. Hotel operator CLC World Resorts and Hotels has said Mrs Diya's claims are 'directly at odds with the findings of the police report'. In a statement it stressed police findings made it 'clear that their exhaustive investigations have confirmed the pool was working normally and there was no malfunction of any kind'. An English translation of a Guardia Civil statement, released by the hotel operator yesterday, stated that tests had found 'no irregularity' in the pool's system. It said investigations indicated the accident was 'caused by the lack of expertise of the victims when swimming'.
But Mr Toro was quoted by the BBC as saying: 'It's very rare for three people to die in the centre of a swimming pool - especially in the case of a tall, hefty man.

Michelle Obama beats Melania Trump in 'Most Admired Woman' while Barack & Donald tie in the men's category
President Donald Trump and his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama have tied for the title of America’s most admired man in 2019 - a result indicative of the country's increasing political polarity.
Eighteen percent of the US voters quizzed in Gallup's annual survey nominated Donald Trump as the man ‘living today in any part of the world’ that they admired most, while another 18 percent of voters also named former president Obama as a man of optimum acclaim. No other name on the open-ended ballot – which included former President Jimmy Carter, Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders – was mentioned by more than two percent of respondents. The results of the poll, which was carried out in the first two weeks of December, were split sharply along partisan lines - with 45 percent of Republicans selecting Trump for the top honor, and 41 percent of Democrats giving Obama the nod.
Among America’s most admired women, former first lady Michelle Obama claimed the prize spot for the second year in a row and was the only woman to achieve double-digit support, securing 10 percent of the vote. Current first lady Melania Trump finished second this year, mentioned only by five percent of voters - half the amount of Obama. Melania did however fair better than Oprah Winfrey, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and climate change activist Greta Thunberg, who all were named by 3 percent of respondents.
Culled From Daily Mail

Among America’s most admired women, former first lady Michelle Obama claimed the prize spot for the second year in a row and was the only woman to achieve double-digit support, securing 10 percent of the vote. Current first lady Melania Trump finished second this year, mentioned only by five percent of voters - half the amount of Obama. Melania did however fair better than Oprah Winfrey, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and climate change activist Greta Thunberg, who all were named by 3 percent of respondents.
Most Top 10 Finishes in Gallup's Most Admired Man Poll
1. Billy Graham 61
2. Ronald Reagan 31
3. Jimmy Carter 29
4. Pope John Paul II 27
5. Bill Clinton 26
6. Dwight Eisenhower 21
7. Richard Nixon 21
8. George H.W. Bush 20
9. Harry Truman 20
10. Nelson Mandela 20
Most Admired Man 2019: Overall and by Party
Barack Obama
US Adults: Democrats: Independents: Republicans:
Donald Trump
US Adults: Democrats: Independents: Republicans:
Source: Gallup News
Check out President Obama's Favourite Movies of 2019 thông báo lịch nghỉ Tết Dương lịch 2020
Ban quản trị xin thông báo lịch nghỉ Tết Dương lịch 2020 của công ty chúng tôi tới Quý khách hàng và Quý độc giả như sau:
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Monday, December 30, 2019
Phê duyệt nhiệm vụ lập quy hoạch TP. Đà Nẵng
Chính phủ vừa ban hành quyết định phê duyệt quy hoạch TP. Đà Nẵng thời kỳ 2021-2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050 với phạm vi quy hoạch 1.284,9km2.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Cho phép mở bán 11 căn liền kề tại dự án Cocobay Đà Nẵng
Sở Xây dựng Đà Nẵng vừa có văn bản thông báo về việc cho phép mở bán 11 căn nhà ở (liền kề, biệt thự) hình thành trong tương lai tại dự án Khu nghỉ dưỡng và nhà ở cao cấp The Empire (Cocobay Đà Nẵng).
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Loạt "thủ lĩnh" bất động sản vướng vòng lao lý trong năm 2019
Ngoại trừ một vài đợt sốt cục bộ đầu năm, nhìn chung bức tranh toàn cảnh thị trường bất động sản 2019 khá trầm lắng. Mặc dù vậy thị trường lại chứng kiến tình trạng nở rộ của các dự án ma, những chiêu lừa đảo ngoạn mục tại nhiều dự án, ở nhiều khu vực khác nhau. Cùng với đó, hàng loạt thủ lĩnh bất động sản phải vướng vòng lao lý.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Bất động sản nghỉ dưỡng biến đổi mạnh với thế hệ du khách mới
Đặc điểm, tính chất và xu hướng du lịch của du khách đang tác động mạnh đến sự phát triển của thị trường bất động sản du lịch – nghỉ dưỡng. Các cơ sở lưu trú nghỉ dưỡng đã, đang và sẽ có những chuyển biến trước những nhu cầu mới của khách du lịch.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Bất động sản tích hợp – Xu hướng mới chiếm lĩnh thị trường
Khi kinh tế - xã hội phát triển, nhu cầu về không gian sống chất lượng của người dân không ngừng tăng lên. Khi đó việc mua nhà không chỉ dừng lại ở mục đích để ở mà còn là sự tận hưởng cuộc sống tiện nghi, hiện đại, kết nối cộng đồng và tiện ích sinh hoạt.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Tết cận kề, dọn về nhà sang tại Khu dân cư Hòa Bình Luxury
Vài năm trở lại đây, quận Tân Phú trở nên năng động và náo nhiệt hơn nhờ sự xuất hiện của một số dự án nhà phố liền kề, trong đó nổi bật nhất là dự án khu dân cư Hòa Bình Luxury.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Civil Rights icon Rep. John Lewis reveals he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer
Civil rights icon and US Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, his office announced Sunday.
Lewis, 79, said he was diagnosed following a routine medical visit with subsequent tests that reconfirmed the diagnosis. The long-time Georgia congressman will undergo treatment for the cancer. "I have been in some kind of fight -- for freedom, equality, basic human rights -- for nearly my entire life. I have never faced a fight quite like the one I have now," Lewis, who in March 1965 joined forces with Martin Luther King Jr. to lead a voting rights march out of Selma, Alabama, said in a statement.
He continued later: "While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance."
He continued later: "While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance."
Chi 2.250 tỷ xây mới nhà ga sân bay Phú Bài
Dự án nhà ga T2 sân bay Phú Bài với tổng vốn đầu tư khoảng 2.250 tỷ đồng vừa được khởi công xây dựng vào sáng ngày 29/12.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Giá nhà đất có thể giảm trong 6-12 tháng tới
Giá nhà đất trong thời gian tới được đánh giá sẽ chững lại, những nhà đầu tư ôm hàng có thể phải giảm giá để tìm cách đẩy hàng nhằm giải quyết khoản nợ.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
5 mức phạt mới về vi phạm đất đai có hiệu lực từ 2020
Từ ngày 5/1/2020, Nghị định số 91/2019/NĐ-CP của Chính phủ về xử phạt vi phạm hành chính trong lĩnh vực đất đai chính thức có hiệu lực. Theo đó, 5 mức phạt mới sẽ được áp dụng cho các vi phạm đất đai dưới đây:
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
TP.HCM: Đề xuất được vay tín chấp mua nhà ở xã hội
Mới đây, Viện Nghiên cứu phát triển TP.HCM đã gửi UBND thành phố công văn liên quan đến kế hoạch phát triển nhà ở giai đoạn 2016-2020.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Tin tức bất động sản nổi bật tuần từ 23/12 đến 29/12/2019
Tuần qua, thông tin nhà đất Đan Phượng (Hà Nội) nóng sốt gây chú ý giới đầu tư. Đây là đợt sốt cục bộ hiếm hoi của thị trường bất động sản trong nửa cuối năm 2019.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Chờ “dài cổ” chưa được cấp sổ hồng, cư dân nhiều chung cư bỏ cuộc
Tình trạng nhận căn hộ nhiều năm nhưng vẫn bị “om” sổ hồng khiến không ít hộ gia đình đành chấp nhận cảnh sống tạm bợ, buông bỏ giấc mơ được cầm trên tay giấy chứng nhận quyền sở hữu.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
LinkHouse Miền Trung giới thiệu cơ hội đầu tư đất nền ven biển dịp cuối năm
Kỳ Co Gateway - khu đô thị thương mại tại cửa ngõ du lịch Kỳ Co, Eo Gió đang trở thành tâm điểm của thị trường bất động sản (BĐS) ven biển dịp cuối năm. LinkHouse Miền Trung tự hào là đối tác phân phối chính thức phân khu này.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: Former President Barack Obama reveals his Favourite Books of 2019
REVEALED! Top 10 Boys' Names & Girls' Names
Birth announcements from the past 50 years have revealed names such as Charlotte and James have been eternally popular throughout history.

Top 10 boys names
1. James
2. Thomas
3. William
4. Andrew and Henry
6. Edward
7. Arthur
8. George and Richard
10. Alexander
Top 10 girls names
1. Charlotte
2. Sarah
3. Emily
4. Emma
5. Victoria, Sophie
7. Florence
8. Isabella and Alice
10. Olivia
The 500 wealthiest people in the world gained $1.2trillion in 2019
The world's richest people got even wealthier in 2019, gaining $1.2 trillion between them which amounts to a 25 percent increase.
According to Bloomberg's Billionaire's Index, the richest 500 people in the world now have a combined wealth of $5.9 trillion, an increase of almost a quarter since last year. Jeff Bezos tops the list as the richest person in the world, with Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg also in the top five. Individually, Bezos lost money in his divorce from his wife of 23 years, MacKenzie, in the summer.
1. Jeff Bezos
2019: - $9billion
New total wealth: $116billion
2. Bill Gates
2019: + $23.1billion
New total wealth: $113billion
3. Bernard Arnault
2019: $37.7billion
New total wealth: $ 106billion
4. Warren Buffett
2019: + 5.26billion
New total wealth: $89.1billion
5. Mark Zuckerberg
2019: +$27.4billion
New total wealth: $79.4billion
6. Amancio Ortega
2019: + $17.9billion
New total wealth: $76.6billion
7. Larry Page
2019: + $14.0billion
New total wealth: $65.2billion
8. Sergey Brin
2019: +$13.4billion
New total wealth: $63.3billion
9. Charles Koch
2019: +$2.68billion
New total wealth: $62.1billion
10. Julia Flesher Koch
2019: +$62.1billion
New total wealth: $61.1billion

Saturday, December 28, 2019
Woman whose husband (RCCG Pastor Gabriel Diya), son & daughter drowned in Spain hires a top lawyer
Fuengirola-based lawyer Javier Toro, spokesman for centre-right Ciudadanos party in the principality, is understood to be working with Mrs Diya.
In a statement to Sky News yesterday, she said her family has been left 'utterly heartbroken' by the tragedy. 'The whole family, all five of us went to the pool together and were all present when the incident occurred,' she said. 'The children were not left unattended. We followed the instructions displayed by the poolside at all times.
'The children went into the pool using the steps but found themselves dragged into the middle, which was deeper and called for help when they could not get out. 'My daughter did not fall into the water. My husband went in via the steps trying to hep the two struggling while I ran to the nearby apartments shouting for help to assist my husband. By the time assistance came, the three of them were under the water.
'I believe something was wrong with the pool that must have made swimming difficult for them at that point in time.' Mrs Diya's comments contradict earlier claims by the Spanish Police that her surviving daughter, Favour, had claimed the family didn't know how to swim. Francisco Gonzalez, a spokesman for the Civil Guard union AUGC, said: 'The surviving sister has said they didn't know how to swim. 'With that information and the fact we know the water in the pool was very cold, the mystery of what caused this awful tragedy begins to unravel itself.'

'The children went into the pool using the steps but found themselves dragged into the middle, which was deeper and called for help when they could not get out. 'My daughter did not fall into the water. My husband went in via the steps trying to hep the two struggling while I ran to the nearby apartments shouting for help to assist my husband. By the time assistance came, the three of them were under the water.
'I believe something was wrong with the pool that must have made swimming difficult for them at that point in time.' Mrs Diya's comments contradict earlier claims by the Spanish Police that her surviving daughter, Favour, had claimed the family didn't know how to swim. Francisco Gonzalez, a spokesman for the Civil Guard union AUGC, said: 'The surviving sister has said they didn't know how to swim. 'With that information and the fact we know the water in the pool was very cold, the mystery of what caused this awful tragedy begins to unravel itself.'

Photos: 10 y.o boy forced to change his shirt at the airport because
A 10-year-old boy was forced to change his t-shirt by South Africa airport authorities as his snake print t-shirt could make fellow passengers anxious.
Stevie Lucas, from New Zealand, was returning home with his family after visiting his grandparents in South Africa. He was told at Johannesburg airport that he should change his t-shirt in order to board the flight. The boy's parents, Steve and Marga, said security officers at Johannesburg airport told them snake toys and printed clothing was not allowed on board. The officers cited that the print could harm passengers or crew by causing anxiety, Daily Mail quoted local media reports.
Airport security footage shows the boy wearing his t-shirt inside out to hide the large green snake print. Following the incident on December 17, the family emailed the Airports Company of South Africa and was told the it was seeking clarification on the reason for the clothing rule. The airport replied: 'Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Note that we asked for a more extensive reason for the clothing rules and restrictions. We will give you feedback as soon as we receive it'.

Airport security footage shows the boy wearing his t-shirt inside out to hide the large green snake print. Following the incident on December 17, the family emailed the Airports Company of South Africa and was told the it was seeking clarification on the reason for the clothing rule. The airport replied: 'Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Note that we asked for a more extensive reason for the clothing rules and restrictions. We will give you feedback as soon as we receive it'.

Wife of the Redeemed Pastor Gabriel Diya who drowned with 2 of their kids says they could swim
An 'utterly heartbroken' mother whose two children and husband drowned at a Costa Del Sol hotel said she believes 'something was wrong with the pool' because all three knew how to swim.
Olubunmi Diya's husband Gabriel and children Comfort and Praise-Emmanuel died in the Spanish pool on Christmas Eve after her daughter got into difficulty in the water. It is understood Comfort, nine, began to struggle in the water after slipping and, failing to regain her footing, began to drift towards the deep end of the six-and-a-half feet pool at Club La Costa World near Fuengirola at 2pm.
Praise-Emmanuel, 16, jumped into the pool followed by their father Gabriel, 52, after hearing the screams of the couple's daughter Favour, who had been playing with Comfort moments beforehand. It was initially said the trio, who lived in Charlton, south east London, did not know how to swim properly. But the mother told Sky News today that something must have been 'wrong with the pool that made swimming difficult for them at that point in time'.
Culled From Daily Mail UK.
Photos: U.K based Nigerian pastor, Gabriel Diya & 2 of his children drown at Costa Del Sol hotel, Spain.
New DETAILS surrounding Redeemed Pastor Gabriel Diya who drowned in Spain with his 2 children, emerge.

Praise-Emmanuel, 16, jumped into the pool followed by their father Gabriel, 52, after hearing the screams of the couple's daughter Favour, who had been playing with Comfort moments beforehand. It was initially said the trio, who lived in Charlton, south east London, did not know how to swim properly. But the mother told Sky News today that something must have been 'wrong with the pool that made swimming difficult for them at that point in time'.

Culled From Daily Mail UK.
Photos: U.K based Nigerian pastor, Gabriel Diya & 2 of his children drown at Costa Del Sol hotel, Spain.
New DETAILS surrounding Redeemed Pastor Gabriel Diya who drowned in Spain with his 2 children, emerge.
Thanh Hoá đầu tư xây dựng khu dân cư gần 50ha và khu du lịch 200ha
Khu du lịch thác Muốn được quy hoạch trên diện tích khoảng 200ha và Khu dân cư đô thị Tây Nam đường CSEDP dự kiến có quy mô 40,7ha.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Lãi suất vay mua nhà ngân hàng nào thấp nhất hiện nay?
Lãi suất vay mua nhà của các ngân hàng hiện nay phổ biến từ 6,79-11,5%/năm, áp dụng trong thời kỳ ưu đãi (thường là 6 tháng đến 1 năm). Trong đó, ngân hàng Standard Chartered đang có lãi suất cho vay ưu đãi thấp nhất với 6,79%/năm (gói 12 tháng).
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Friday, December 27, 2019
“Bắt bệnh” trầm lắng, “kê đơn” thị trường bất động sản 2020
2019 được coi là năm “trầm” của thị trường bất động sản do hàng loạt những vướng mắc từ cơ chế chính sách và nguồn vốn. đã ghi nhận ý kiến chuyên gia về giải pháp phát triển thị trường lành mạnh và bền vững trong năm tới.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Vay mua nhà lãi suất 0%: Khách hàng thực sự có lợi?
Đa số khách hàng khi mua nhà trả góp thường bị thu hút bởi gói vay lãi suất 0%. Tuy nhiên, nếu không thực sự hiểu đúng và đủ về chính sách ưu đãi này, người vay rất dễ rơi vào “bẫy” tài chính.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Giá đất mới tại Cần Thơ cao nhất 78 triệu đồng/m2
Sau khi điều chỉnh khung giá đất tại Cần Thơ, đại lộ Hòa Bình (quận trung tâm Ninh Kiều) có giá đất cao nhất với 78 triệu đồng/m2.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Người dân ngày càng chuộng xu hướng “sống ngoại ô, làm nội đô”
Trước sự quá tải của nội đô thành phố về không gian sống, nhiều bộ phận cư dân đang có xu hướng dịch chuyển ra ngoại ô để tìm tổ ấm an cư.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Rinh ngay bộ trang sức kim cương khi sở hữu La Villa Green City
Là dự án “độc tôn” tại TP.Tân An, La Villa Green City được đơn vị phát triển Tran Anh Group đưa ra những chính sách thu hút khách hàng trong dịp cuối năm. Theo đó, khi khách hàng ký hợp đồng đúng thời hạn sẽ được tặng ngay bộ trang sức kim cương có giá trị.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
George Michael's sister Melanie dies aged 55 on #Christmas Day exactly 3 years after her brother's death
George Michael's sister Melanie Panayiotou has died at the age of 55 exactly three years since the singer's death on Christmas Day 2016.
The hairdresser was found by her older sister Yioda Panayiotou, 57, at her home in Hampstead, north west London on Wednesday, December 25. Andrew Ridgeley, 56, shared his heartache over the 'utterly tragic' death of his Wham! bandmate's sister on Twitter this afternoon. He said: 'Utterly tragic news of Mel Panayiotou's passing. My thoughts are with her sister and father at this desperately sad time.' Melanie and George were close, and she was left part of his estate - which included a £97.6million fortune and a Grade II listed mansion in Highgate, North London - after his death.
She has spoken fondly of her brother in the past, and just days ago released a joint statement in which she told his fans that their kind messages 'lift us when things are tough'.

She has spoken fondly of her brother in the past, and just days ago released a joint statement in which she told his fans that their kind messages 'lift us when things are tough'.

New DETAILS surrounding Redeemed Pastor Gabriel Diya who drowned in Spain with his 2 children, emerge
Three members of the same family drowned in a hotel pool in Spain after a nine year-old girl slipped while in the water and got out of her death - prompting her non-swimmer father and 16-year-old brother to jump in to try and save her.
Comfort Diya got into difficulty after slipping and, failing to regain her footing, drifting towards the deep end of the six-and-a-half feet deep pool at holiday resort Club La Costa World near Fuengirola, around 2pm on Christmas Eve. The girl's brother Praise-Emmanuel jumped into the pool followed by their father Gabriel, after hearing the screams, 14-year-old daughter Favour who had been playing with Comfort moments beforehand told investigators. None of the three, who lived in Charlton, south east London and have links to America, knew how to swim properly, police sources revealed yesterday. Praise-Emmanuel was born in Illinois and has an American passport.
Francisco Gonzalez, a spokesman for the Civil Guard union AUGC, confirmed overnight:
'The surviving sister has said they didn’t know how to swim. 'With that information and the fact we know the water in the pool was very cold, the mystery of what caused this awful tragedy begins to unravel itself.' Comfort is said to have had some swimming lessons, but only in shallow water where she could touch the bottom of the pool. Favour told police she saw her brother in difficulties as he tried to rescue his sister and went to look for a life buoy while their father began to strip off to jump in, Spanish newspaper Diario Sur reported.
The children’s mum Olubunmi, 49, was in the family’s holiday apartment at the time but is understood to have ratified Favour’s admission the drowning victims could not swim. Police and a Fuengirola court coordinating the judicial investigation into the Christmas Eve tragedy have yet to officially rule out any anomalies with the pool and the Civil Guard was still insisting late yesterday the probe was 'ongoing'. But the family revelation about the drowning victims’ lack of swimming skills has taken the focus off the pool pump system. Early speculation pointed to possible problems with the pool suction side of the circulation system. Spanish media reports yesterday said Comfort’s swimming cap had been found in the suction system. Police sources later confirmed it had been discovered in the pool drainage grid but insisted divers had not identified any problems that could have caused dangerous suction entrapment when they were in the water after the tragedy.
A subsequent Spanish media report said the swimming cap had been located in a pool skimmer basket where things like leaves or insects normally end up. On Wednesday night resort chiefs said the Civil Guard, the police force leading the investigation into the triple tragedy, had given them permission to reopen the pool which is one of several on the sprawling holiday complex but was being little used because it was not heated like some others. Resort operator CLC World Resorts and Hotels put out a statement which said:
'All at Club La Costa World resort are devastated by the tragedy that unfolded on Christmas Eve where a father and his two children were found unresponsive in a swimming pool and despite the best efforts of our first response team and the emergency services, could not be revived. 'The Guardia Civil have carried out a full investigation which found no concerns relating to the pool in question or procedures in place, which leaves us to believe this was a tragic accident which has left everyone surrounding the incident in shock. 'Naturally our primary concern remains the care and support of the remaining family members. 'We would therefore request that their privacy be respected at this traumatic time.'
The force insisted overnight it had never authorised the reopening of the pool because the resort operator was responsible for the holiday complex and the safety of its holidaymakers, and police had never closed it in the first place. Autopsies performed at Malaga’s Institute of Forensic Medicine on Wednesday confirmed the cause of death of all three Brits was drowning. Pathologists found no signs of any external injuries, or evidence they had been poisoned, during the examinations. Medical experts have also found nothing pointing to Comfort’s sister suffering any chlorine poisoning in the pool, which is just over six-and-a-half feet deep at its deepest point and was not heated like others on the sprawling complex where they were staying. Gabriel’s widow and surviving daughter, who are due to fly back to the UK later tomorrow after a week-long holiday, are currently being comforted by other relatives who flew to Spain from Britain after learning of the tragedy. It is not yet clear whether they will delay their return or jet back home as scheduled.
A witness who helped perform CPR on pastor father-of-three Mr Diya told on Wednesday how his wife prayed and touched her loved ones’ bodies to try to will them back to life.

Culled From Daily Mail U.K.

Francisco Gonzalez, a spokesman for the Civil Guard union AUGC, confirmed overnight:
'The surviving sister has said they didn’t know how to swim. 'With that information and the fact we know the water in the pool was very cold, the mystery of what caused this awful tragedy begins to unravel itself.' Comfort is said to have had some swimming lessons, but only in shallow water where she could touch the bottom of the pool. Favour told police she saw her brother in difficulties as he tried to rescue his sister and went to look for a life buoy while their father began to strip off to jump in, Spanish newspaper Diario Sur reported.
The children’s mum Olubunmi, 49, was in the family’s holiday apartment at the time but is understood to have ratified Favour’s admission the drowning victims could not swim. Police and a Fuengirola court coordinating the judicial investigation into the Christmas Eve tragedy have yet to officially rule out any anomalies with the pool and the Civil Guard was still insisting late yesterday the probe was 'ongoing'. But the family revelation about the drowning victims’ lack of swimming skills has taken the focus off the pool pump system. Early speculation pointed to possible problems with the pool suction side of the circulation system. Spanish media reports yesterday said Comfort’s swimming cap had been found in the suction system. Police sources later confirmed it had been discovered in the pool drainage grid but insisted divers had not identified any problems that could have caused dangerous suction entrapment when they were in the water after the tragedy.
A subsequent Spanish media report said the swimming cap had been located in a pool skimmer basket where things like leaves or insects normally end up. On Wednesday night resort chiefs said the Civil Guard, the police force leading the investigation into the triple tragedy, had given them permission to reopen the pool which is one of several on the sprawling holiday complex but was being little used because it was not heated like some others. Resort operator CLC World Resorts and Hotels put out a statement which said:
'All at Club La Costa World resort are devastated by the tragedy that unfolded on Christmas Eve where a father and his two children were found unresponsive in a swimming pool and despite the best efforts of our first response team and the emergency services, could not be revived. 'The Guardia Civil have carried out a full investigation which found no concerns relating to the pool in question or procedures in place, which leaves us to believe this was a tragic accident which has left everyone surrounding the incident in shock. 'Naturally our primary concern remains the care and support of the remaining family members. 'We would therefore request that their privacy be respected at this traumatic time.'
The force insisted overnight it had never authorised the reopening of the pool because the resort operator was responsible for the holiday complex and the safety of its holidaymakers, and police had never closed it in the first place. Autopsies performed at Malaga’s Institute of Forensic Medicine on Wednesday confirmed the cause of death of all three Brits was drowning. Pathologists found no signs of any external injuries, or evidence they had been poisoned, during the examinations. Medical experts have also found nothing pointing to Comfort’s sister suffering any chlorine poisoning in the pool, which is just over six-and-a-half feet deep at its deepest point and was not heated like others on the sprawling complex where they were staying. Gabriel’s widow and surviving daughter, who are due to fly back to the UK later tomorrow after a week-long holiday, are currently being comforted by other relatives who flew to Spain from Britain after learning of the tragedy. It is not yet clear whether they will delay their return or jet back home as scheduled.
A witness who helped perform CPR on pastor father-of-three Mr Diya told on Wednesday how his wife prayed and touched her loved ones’ bodies to try to will them back to life.

Culled From Daily Mail U.K.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Thị trường năm 2020 đối diện nhiều thách thức khi tăng khung giá đất
Khung giá đất, bảng giá đất dự kiến sẽ tăng cao đồng loạt ở các địa phương sau khi Chính phủ ban hành khung giá đất mới. Giá nhà đất có nguy cơ sẽ tiếp tục tăng mạnh trong thời gian tới. Điều này không chỉ gây khó khăn cho người mua mà nhiều CĐT mới cũng khó tiếp cận quỹ đất để triển khai dự án.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Giao dịch ngầm đất nông nghiệp đang diễn ra phổ biến
Đất nông nghiệp tại Việt Nam là một loại hình bất động sản nhiều tiềm năng nhưng có nhiều rào cản trong việc khai thác. Giao dịch đất nông nghiệp đang diễn ra phổ biến theo cách phi chính thức (giao dịch ngầm, trái luật) và tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Điều chỉnh giá đất tại TP.HCM từ năm 2020
Sở TN&MT TP.HCM vừa gửi tờ trình lên UBND thành phố về việc ban hành bảng giá đất trên địa bàn trong giai đoạn 2020-2024.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Bất động sản Quy Nhơn kỳ vọng bứt phá sau loạt dự án hạ tầng
Giá bất động sản Quy Nhơn đang tăng từng ngày, song vẫn còn thấp so với các thành phố du lịch ven biển khác, mang đến cơ hội đầu tư bứt phá nhờ khả năng thiết lập giá mới.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Đón sóng Hoài Đức lên quận, siêu đô thị Lideco tập trung hoàn thiện hạ tầng
Nắm bắt thông tin huyện Hoài Đức được “thăng hạng” lên quận, thị trường bất động sản phía Tây, đặc biệt là các dự án dọc trục đường Quốc lộ 32 được đà sôi động trở lại. Là một trong những dự án trọng điểm, khu đô thị Lideco đang hoàn thiện cơ sở hạ tầng và quần thể tiện ích nội khu, chuẩn bị đón những đợt sóng mới.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: U.K based Nigerian pastor, Gabriel Diya & 2 of his children drown at Costa Del Sol hotel, Spain
This is VERY sad!
The British father and his two children who drowned in a Costa del Sol swimming pool have today been named. Gabriel Diya, 52, his daughter Comfort Diya, nine, and his son Praise-Emmanuel Diya, 16, died at the Club La Costa World complex in Spain on Christmas Eve. Mr Diya, who was a Christian pastor in south-east London, and his daughter are both understood to be British while his son was travelling on a US passport. His wife Olubunmi Diya, 49, and younger daughter Favour Diya, 14, were also on the holiday but were unharmed. It is feared that the family could have fallen victim to a suction problem which made it impossible for the nine-year-old girl's father and brother to rescue her after she got into difficulties.
Today it was revealed that police divers had found her swimming cap as they investigate the Christmas tragedy. But the exact circumstances of their deaths remained a mystery this morning as resort chiefs said they had been given permission to reopen the pool and insisted a police investigation had found 'no concerns' with it. Mr Diya was a pastor at Open Heavens London in Charlton, south-east London, which is part of a network called the Redeemed Christian Church of God. No-one from the organisation was immediately available to comment.
Autopsies performed at Malaga's Institute of Forensic Medicine have confirmed that the British father and his two children died by drowning. Pathologists found no signs of any external injuries, or evidence they had been poisoned, during the examinations. Medical experts have also found nothing pointing to nine-year-old Comfort's sister Favour suffering any chlorine poisoning. The 14-year-old was examined after police were told she had been swimming with her younger sister shortly before the Christmas Eve drama unfolded. Police said yesterday ahead of the autopsies that they were keeping an open mind and 'all options' were being examined.
Comfort's parents are understood to have found the nine-year-old in difficulties under the water after rushing to the pool when the older girl returned to their holiday apartment alone and they quizzed her on her sister's whereabouts. Mr Diya and his 16-year-old son Praise Emmanuel jumped in the water in a failed bid to save her which ended with them also drowning, it is believed.
Yesterday a witness told how mother Olubunmi 'stayed calm' and prayed as he performed CPR with resort staff on the three tourists. Father-of-three Josias Fletchman, from Manchester, said in a moving account of how he tried to save them:
'The mum was praying for them to come back to life. 'She was calm. She was touching their bodies. She continued praying even after the ambulance people arrived and had stopped trying to revive them. 'She exercised her faith to the limit. I was performing CPR on her husband but I'm a believer and I prayed as well. 'She strengthened me in the way she reacted. It just wasn't meant to be.'
Reports say a resort worker who dived into the water to recover the three bodies has said he had also experienced difficulties reaching the surface and exiting the pool. But late last night resort chiefs said the Civil Guard, the police force leading the investigation into the triple tragedy, had given them permission to reopen the pool. The pool is one of several on the sprawling holiday complex but was being little used because it was not heated like some others. Resort operator CLC World Resorts and Hotels put out a statement which said:
'All at Club La Costa World resort are devastated by the tragedy that unfolded on Christmas Eve where a father and his two children were found unresponsive in a swimming pool and despite the best efforts of our first response team and the emergency services, could not be revived.
'The Guardia Civil have carried out a full investigation which found no concerns relating to the pool in question or procedures in place, which leaves us to believe this was a tragic accident which has left everyone surrounding the incident in shock. 'Naturally our primary concern remains the care and support of the remaining family members. 'We would therefore request that their privacy be respected at this traumatic time.'
They also confirmed the Civil Guard had authorised the reopening of the pool, indicating that police feel there is no risk to bathers of a repeat of the Christmas Eve horror.

Culled From Daily Mail U.K.
Real Christmas Eve disaster!!

The British father and his two children who drowned in a Costa del Sol swimming pool have today been named. Gabriel Diya, 52, his daughter Comfort Diya, nine, and his son Praise-Emmanuel Diya, 16, died at the Club La Costa World complex in Spain on Christmas Eve. Mr Diya, who was a Christian pastor in south-east London, and his daughter are both understood to be British while his son was travelling on a US passport. His wife Olubunmi Diya, 49, and younger daughter Favour Diya, 14, were also on the holiday but were unharmed. It is feared that the family could have fallen victim to a suction problem which made it impossible for the nine-year-old girl's father and brother to rescue her after she got into difficulties.
Today it was revealed that police divers had found her swimming cap as they investigate the Christmas tragedy. But the exact circumstances of their deaths remained a mystery this morning as resort chiefs said they had been given permission to reopen the pool and insisted a police investigation had found 'no concerns' with it. Mr Diya was a pastor at Open Heavens London in Charlton, south-east London, which is part of a network called the Redeemed Christian Church of God. No-one from the organisation was immediately available to comment.
Autopsies performed at Malaga's Institute of Forensic Medicine have confirmed that the British father and his two children died by drowning. Pathologists found no signs of any external injuries, or evidence they had been poisoned, during the examinations. Medical experts have also found nothing pointing to nine-year-old Comfort's sister Favour suffering any chlorine poisoning. The 14-year-old was examined after police were told she had been swimming with her younger sister shortly before the Christmas Eve drama unfolded. Police said yesterday ahead of the autopsies that they were keeping an open mind and 'all options' were being examined.
Comfort's parents are understood to have found the nine-year-old in difficulties under the water after rushing to the pool when the older girl returned to their holiday apartment alone and they quizzed her on her sister's whereabouts. Mr Diya and his 16-year-old son Praise Emmanuel jumped in the water in a failed bid to save her which ended with them also drowning, it is believed.
Yesterday a witness told how mother Olubunmi 'stayed calm' and prayed as he performed CPR with resort staff on the three tourists. Father-of-three Josias Fletchman, from Manchester, said in a moving account of how he tried to save them:
'The mum was praying for them to come back to life. 'She was calm. She was touching their bodies. She continued praying even after the ambulance people arrived and had stopped trying to revive them. 'She exercised her faith to the limit. I was performing CPR on her husband but I'm a believer and I prayed as well. 'She strengthened me in the way she reacted. It just wasn't meant to be.'
Reports say a resort worker who dived into the water to recover the three bodies has said he had also experienced difficulties reaching the surface and exiting the pool. But late last night resort chiefs said the Civil Guard, the police force leading the investigation into the triple tragedy, had given them permission to reopen the pool. The pool is one of several on the sprawling holiday complex but was being little used because it was not heated like some others. Resort operator CLC World Resorts and Hotels put out a statement which said:
'All at Club La Costa World resort are devastated by the tragedy that unfolded on Christmas Eve where a father and his two children were found unresponsive in a swimming pool and despite the best efforts of our first response team and the emergency services, could not be revived.
'The Guardia Civil have carried out a full investigation which found no concerns relating to the pool in question or procedures in place, which leaves us to believe this was a tragic accident which has left everyone surrounding the incident in shock. 'Naturally our primary concern remains the care and support of the remaining family members. 'We would therefore request that their privacy be respected at this traumatic time.'
They also confirmed the Civil Guard had authorised the reopening of the pool, indicating that police feel there is no risk to bathers of a repeat of the Christmas Eve horror.

Culled From Daily Mail U.K.
Hà Nội thông qua bảng giá đất mới, cao nhất 188 triệu đồng/m2
Bảng giá đất Hà Nội giai đoạn 2020-2024 vừa được HĐND thành phố thông qua. Trong đó, tại quận Hoàn Kiếm, khu vực phố Hàng Đào, Hàng Ngang, Lê Thái Tổ có giá tối đa là 188 triệu đồng/m2.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Novaland ra mắt CLB Million Dollar Club và giới thiệu 2 thành viên đầu tiên
Novaland Million Dollar Club – Câu lạc bộ triệu đô Novaland – nơi hội tụ những tư vấn cấp cao xuất sắc nhất trong đội ngũ chuyên viên tư vấn bất động sản của Tập đoàn Novaland vừa giới thiệu 2 thành viên đầu tiên: Đỗ Thị Hương và Nguyễn Văn Bình.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Chung cư khan hiếm nguồn cung, lựa chọn nào là khôn ngoan cho người mua nhà?
[CÓ HẸN VỚI CHUYÊN GIA BẤT ĐỘNG SẢN #11] Nguồn cung chung cư khan hiếm từ đầu năm khiến người mua nhà đang không có nhiều lựa chọn. Vậy trong bối cảnh này, lựa chọn nào sẽ là khôn ngoan cho người mua nhà?
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Năm 2020, TP.HCM sẽ xây dựng lại 15 chung cư cấp D
Sở Xây dựng TP.HCM lên kế hoạch đến năm 2020 sẽ hoàn tất việc di dời, phá dỡ để đầu tư xây mới thay thế 15 chung cư thuộc cấp D - cấp nguy hiểm trên địa bàn.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
5 vụ lừa đảo bán đất nền dự án ma lớn trong năm 2019
Một trong những vấn đề nổi cộm của thị trường bất động sản năm 2019 là sự xuất hiện của hàng loạt dự án ma. Lợi dụng tâm lý chuộng đất nền của người dân, nhiều doanh nghiệp như Alibaba, Angel Lina… đã phân lô bán nền trên đất nông nghiệp, tung ra cam kết hấp dẫn để thuyết phục người mua xuống tiền sau đó chiếm đoạt.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Ăn theo siêu dự án, khu vực nào Hà Nội đang nóng sốt?
Mặc dù chưa được chủ đầu tư công bố chính thức nhưng thông tin về siêu dự án lớn được lan truyền thời gian qua cùng với thông tin lên quận đã khiến đất Đan Phượng (Hà Nội) trở nên nóng sốt. Giới đầu tư đang đổ về đây săn đất.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Ra mắt văn phòng đại diện Hội Môi giới Bất động sản Việt Nam tại Hải Dương
Sáng ngày 25/12, Hội Môi giới Bất động sản Việt Nam tổ chức Lễ ra mắt văn phòng đại diện tại phường Thanh Bình, TP. Hải Dương.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
4 lưu ý khi sang nhượng cửa hàng
Tìm thuê mặt bằng kinh doanh với giá tốt tại các thành phố lớn vốn không dễ dàng. Vì vậy, nhiều người chọn hình thức sang nhượng cửa hàng nhằm tiết kiệm công sức, thời gian lại tận dụng được cơ sở vật chất và lượng khách hàng cũ. Tuy nhiên, người thuê cần lưu ý 4 điều dưới đây để tránh một số phiền toái khi nhận sang nhượng cửa hàng:
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Dự án Aria Vũng Tàu hút khách nhờ những yếu tố nào?
Sở hữu vị trí đắc địa sát biển, hệ thống tiện ích 5 sao, dự kiến bàn giao quý 3/2020… chính là những yếu tố giúp Aria Vũng Tàu Hotel & Resort trở thành dự án nổi bật trên thị trường bất động sản nghỉ dưỡng ven biển.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Le Grand Jardin - Giải pháp tuyệt vời dành cho gia đình 3 thế hệ
Từ lâu, việc duy trì gia đình với nhiều thế hệ cùng sum vầy đã trở thành nếp sống đẹp trong gia đình Việt. Tuy nhiên, để tìm được một tổ ấm đáp ứng đủ tiêu chuẩn về chất lượng, đa dạng tiện ích, thuận tiện di chuyển và đặc biệt là giá bán hợp lý là vấn đề trăn trở của nhiều gia đình.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Phố thương mại Lộc Phát: Đất vàng phát triển kinh doanh
Chỉ số thương mại – dịch vụ tăng trưởng đạt mức bình quân 30%/năm đang biến thị xã Bến Cát, tỉnh Bình Dương trở thành “điểm nóng” đầu tư bất động sản thương mại.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Baria Residence - Khu dân cư 4 mặt tiền đường trở thành tâm điểm tại Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu
Được mệnh danh là thủ phủ du lịch của cả nước, mỗi năm Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu đón trên 20 triệu khách/năm thu về khoảng doanh thu du lịch lên tới 2.000 tỷ đồng. Bên cạnh sức hấp dẫn về du lịch, nơi đây còn là một trong những địa điểm sáng giá nhất để các nhà đầu tư bất động sản chọn mặt gửi vàng. Mới đây, một khu dân cư sở hữu vị trí đắt giá ngay mặt tiền đường Hùng Vương và được bao quanh bởi 3 cung đường lớn ngay trung tâm TP. Bà Rịa đã thu hút sự chú ý của rất nhiều nhà đầu tư, nhà môi giới BĐS.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Cocobay Đà Nẵng: Chủ đầu tư có thể hủy hợp đồng mua bán sau ngày 30/12
Sau ngày 30/12, chủ đầu tư dự án Cocobay Đà Nẵng sẽ hủy bỏ hợp đồng mua bán nếu khách hàng không chọn một trong 3 giải pháp mà đơn vị này đưa ra.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: Merry Christmas TOYsters!
Merry Christmas my beautiful TOYsters!

Groove responsibly. I love you all. Toyeen B. xo
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Những thông tin thị trường bất động sản năm 2019 nhà môi giới cần biết
Để có kế hoạch kinh doanh đúng đắn nhằm tối ưu hóa doanh thu, nhà môi giới, kinh doanh bất động sản cần nắm rõ những thông tin tổng quan về nền kinh tế, thị trường bất động sản cũng như thị hiếu của khách hàng.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Vimedimex Group tuyển dụng nhân sự nhiều vị trí
Với nhiều năm hoạt động trong lĩnh vực dược phẩm, y tế, tài chính, bất động sản, Vimedimex Group đang từng bước khẳng định hình ảnh về một Tập đoàn đa ngành, cung cấp các sản phẩm, dịch vụ, với chất lượng tốt nhất trong các lĩnh vực thiết yếu của cuộc sống.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Hương trái cây giúp bán nhà được giá cao hơn
Mùi hương nhẹ nhàng và dễ chịu của cam, chanh… có thể giúp tăng giá trị cho ngôi nhà, trong khi mùi thức ăn như gà, bánh nướng hoặc mùi tất, giày lại cho kết quả hoàn toàn ngược lại.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Lãi suất vay mua nhà ngân hàng nào thấp nhất hiện nay?
Lãi suất vay mua nhà của các ngân hàng hiện nay phổ biến từ 6,79-11,5%/năm, áp dụng trong thời kỳ ưu đãi (thường là 6 tháng đến 1 năm). Trong đó, ngân hàng Standard Chartered đang có lãi suất cho vay ưu đãi thấp nhất với 6,79%/năm (gói 12 tháng).
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Bình Thuận tiên phong công bố địa điểm quy hoạch phát triển kinh tế đêm
Kinh tế đêm là chìa khóa phát triển du lịch bền vững và sinh lợi “khủng” tại nhiều thành phố du lịch trên thế giới. Tại Việt Nam, Bình Thuận đã tham gia đường đua, quyết tâm đẩy mạnh loại hình độc đáo này.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Lễ khánh thành công viên dự án Golden Future City hút hàng trăm khách hàng tham dự
Ngày 21/12 vừa qua, sự kiện khánh thành công viên dự án Golden Future City do Công ty cổ phần Địa ốc Kim Oanh (Kim Oanh Real) tổ chức đã thu hút hàng trăm khách hàng đến tham dự. Ngay tại buổi lễ, nhiều khách hàng đã nhanh tay lựa chọn sản phẩm ưng ý khi nhìn thấy tiềm năng sinh lời vượt trội của dự án trong tương lai.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Hạ tầng bứt phá, Thừa Thiên Huế trở thành “điểm nóng” hút vốn đầu tư bất động sản
Việc sân bay Phú Bài được đầu tư 2.200 tỷ đồng để mở rộng khai thác và đề án mở rộng TP. Huế gấp 5 lần hiện tại đã tạo nên “làn sóng” đổ bộ đầu tư các dự án bất động sản quy mô lớn vào TP. Huế.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
REVEALED: Forbes Highest-paid athletes of the decade
See who is number 1 on the list.
And no it's not Ronaldo!
Forbes' highest-paid athletes of the decade
Floyd Mayweather: $915m
Cristiano Ronaldo: $800m
Leo Messi: $750m
LeBron James: $680m
Roger Federer: $640m
Tiger Woods: $615m
Phil Mickelson: $480m
Manny Pacquiao: $435m
Kevin Durant: $425m
Lewis Hamilton: $400m
And no it's not Ronaldo!

Forbes' highest-paid athletes of the decade
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