Theo báo cáo chỉ số bất động sản (BĐS) toàn cầu của Knight Frank, thị trường nhà ở cao cấp Singapore có mức tăng trưởng hàng năm mạnh nhất trên toàn cầu.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Giá nhà đất Sydney, Melbourne tiếp tục đà giảm
Giá nhà tại hai thành phố đông dân nhất Australia đang duy trì xu hướng giảm, tuy nhiên, chuyên gia cho rằng nguy cơ xảy ra khủng hoảng nhà ở vẫn còn tương đối thấp.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
TTBĐS tháng 10/2018: Đất nền khu Đông Sài Gòn sụt giảm mạnh về giá
Đón sóng cuối năm, thị trường bất động sản (TTBĐS) tháng 10 chứng kiến sự bùng nổ nguồn cung căn hộ mới. Phân khúc bất động sản liền thổ Tp.HCM có sự sụt giảm đáng kể về giá và giao dịch. Trong khi đó, đất nền Hà Nội ghi nhận sự tăng giá ở các khu vực vùng ven.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Nốt trầm cho thị trường bất động sản nghỉ dưỡng
Liên tục 2 năm dòng sản phẩm condotel ghi nhận sức mua giảm sút, thời gian gần đây, giao dịch biệt thự nghỉ dưỡng cũng rơi vào ảm đạm. BĐS nghỉ dưỡng đang giống như một nốt trầm của thị trường.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Tp.HCM: Kiến nghị bồi thường đất nông nghiệp tối đa bằng 50 lần giá quy định
Vừa qua, Sở Tài nguyên - Môi trường Tp.HCM đã có tờ trình lên UBND Tp.HCM về hệ số điều chỉnh giá đất nông nghiệp khi nhà nước thu hồi đất trên địa bàn Tp.HCM.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Bên trong căn hộ nội thất siêu sang ở Eco Green Saigon
Với sự góp mặt của loạt thương hiệu nội thất đến từ châu Âu, Mỹ, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản... Eco Green Saigon đang làm nên một tiêu chuẩn sống mới cho các khách hàng cao cấp tại Tp.HCM.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Dân khởi nghiệp săn mua căn hộ officetel
Làn sóng start-up bùng nổ kéo theo thị trường officetel ngày càng sôi động. Nguồn cung ít ỏi so với nhu cầu ngày càng lớn, khiến các dự án officetel ngay khi vừa công bố đã được thị trường quan tâm nồng nhiệt. Với những công trình đã thành hình và sẵn sàng đi vào hoạt động, sự cạnh tranh giữa giới khởi nghiệp săn mua loại hình căn hộ đa năng này càng gay gắt hơn.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Tiềm năng khai thác thương mại của Central Mall Long Thành
Nằm ngay mặt tiền quốc lộ 51, đối diện chợ mới Long Thành đồng thời tích hợp trung tâm thương mại đa chức năng độc đáo, dự án Central Mall Long Thành mang đến cho các chủ nhân cơ hội kinh doanh và gia tăng giá trị tài sản hiếm có.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: Saudi Arabia executes an Indonesian maid after she killed employer who was trying to rape her
Saudi Arabia has executed an Indonesian maid who killed her employer during a rape attack, sparking outrage in Jakarta.
Ms Tursilawati, who was working in the city of Ta'if, was found guilty of killing her employer in June 2011. Indonesian President President Joko Widodo called Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, demanding to know why Jakarta had not been informed about Monday's execution of mother-of one Tuti Tursilawati. It was the fourth time in three years that Saudi Arabia had failed to notify Jakarta before executing an Indonesian migrant worker.
'We have called Saudi Arabia's foreign minister and conveyed our protest,' Mr Widodo was quoted as saying by the office of his cabinet secretary. Indonesian advocacy group Migrant Care said in September that Ms Tuti Tursilawati had been defending herself from being raped. The office of the cabinet secretary cited the Migrant Care assertion.
The Saudi ambassador to Indonesia had been summoned to discuss the matter, the president said.

'We have called Saudi Arabia's foreign minister and conveyed our protest,' Mr Widodo was quoted as saying by the office of his cabinet secretary. Indonesian advocacy group Migrant Care said in September that Ms Tuti Tursilawati had been defending herself from being raped. The office of the cabinet secretary cited the Migrant Care assertion.
The Saudi ambassador to Indonesia had been summoned to discuss the matter, the president said.

Ms Tuti Tursilawati
VnOPI sắp tổ chức triển lãm VnOPI Hà Nội 2018
Ngày 31/10, Công ty TNHH Phát triển Sài Gòn Trung Tâm (với thương hiệu là VnOPI) đã chính thức công bố sự kiện VnOPI Hà Nội 2018 – một triển lãm lớn nhất và duy nhất về đầu tư – định cư – du học – việc làm toàn cầu.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: Kanye West vows to "distance" himself from politics: "I've been used"
Rapper Kanye West, who has been outspoken in his support for President Donald Trump, now says he's going to focus on his music and fashion after being "used" in the world of politics.
In a series of tweets, the 41-year-old West lashed out at conservative pundit Candace Owens for saying he had designed apparel for the so-called "Blexit" campaign, or "Black Exit" from the Democratic Party. "My eyes are now wide open and now realize I've been used to spread messages I don't believe in," West wrote. "I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative !!!"
He did not say if his support for Trump had changed in any way, but he was unsparing in his criticism of Owens.

He did not say if his support for Trump had changed in any way, but he was unsparing in his criticism of Owens.

After 8 yrs on death row for blasphemy, a Christian woman, Asia Bibi in Pakistan has her sentence overturned
Hà Nội: Xây hầm chui ngầm gần 700 tỷ đồng qua đường Giải Phóng
Quyết định số 5804/QĐ-UBND, phê duyệt báo cáo nghiên cứu khả thi Dự án đầu tư xây dựng hầm chui tại nút giao giữa Vành đai 2,5 với đường Giải Phóng (Quốc lộ 1A cũ), quận Hoàng Mai vừa được UBND TP. Hà Nội ban hành.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: Priyanka Chopra WOWED at her bridal shower which was attended by Lupita Nyong'o et al
On Sunday the 28th of October, beautiful Bollywood starlet Priyanka Chopra who is engaged to Nick Jonas, celebrated her bridal shower in Tiffany's Blue Box Cafe, New York city with close friends.
Not only did she look beautiful, the Indian actress also had a smile plastered on her face throughout the entire party and it looked like an absolute blast.

Not only did she look beautiful, the Indian actress also had a smile plastered on her face throughout the entire party and it looked like an absolute blast.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 gia nhập tập đoàn công nghệ BĐS lớn nhất châu Á Property Guru – kênh thông tin bất động sản (BĐS) có lượng truy cập lớn nhất Đông Nam Á chính thức gia nhập tập đoàn công nghệ BĐS lớn nhất châu Á Property Guru. Việc hợp nhất vào Tập đoàn PropertyGuru cho phép mở ra các cơ hội lớn hơn ở tầm khu vực cho người tìm kiếm, nhà đầu tư, sàn giao dịch và các chủ đầu tư BĐS Việt Nam.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Hà Nội sắp có khu đô thị mới rộng gần 70ha tại huyện Hoài Đức
Khu đô thị Dầu khí Đức Giang (huyện Hoài Đức) với quy mô gần 67,7ha vừa được UBND TP. Hà Nội phê duyệt nhiệm vụ quy hoạch chi tiết.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Quy hoạch Tp.HCM làm khó nhà đầu tư?
Theo tiết lộ của đại diện IMM Group, khi đầu tư vào Việt Nam, các đối tác ngoại rất muốn biết thời điểm nào hoàn thành quy hoạch thành phố nhưng lại không nhận được câu trả lời thỏa đáng.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Quy hoạch Tp.HCM vẫn phát triển về hai hướng chính là Đông - Nam
Theo Sở Quy hoạch và kiến trúc Tp.HCM, việc quy hoạch phát triển toàn diện, đồng bộ và dài hạn chung của thành phố sẽ dựa trên tinh thần 4 hướng ưu tiên là Đông – Nam – Tây Bắc và Tây Nam.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Nhiều ông lớn khối ngoại đổ vốn phát triển BĐS công nghiệp Việt Nam
Việt Nam đang được biết đến là một trong những trung tâm công nghiệp nổi bật và hấp dẫn của châu Á. Từ đầu năm đến nay, nhiều ông lớn trong lĩnh vực bất động sản đã đổ vốn vào bất động sản công nghiệp Việt Nam với những khoản đầu tư lớn.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Dòng tiền đầu tư đổ về các thị trường vùng ven TP. Vũng Tàu
Giới đầu tư đang đổ tiền về săn đất sạch tại Vũng Tàu trong bối cảnh đất nền Tp.HCM và các tỉnh lân cận như Bình Dương, Đồng Nai tăng giá mạnh.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
3 tiêu chí "vàng" chọn mua căn hộ
Với số tiền tích lũy không quá lớn, việc chọn mua căn hộ ưng ý là điều không dễ dàng. Theo chuyên gia, với ngân sách từ 1-1,5 tỷ, khách hàng vẫn mua được căn hộ tốt, thỏa mãn về an ninh, tiện ích… nếu biết chọn lọc.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
via IFTTT chi nhánh Hồ Chí Minh chuyển văn phòng về địa chỉ mới tại Quận 1
Nhằm tạo điều kiện thuận lợi trong việc di chuyển và phục vụ khách hàng, từ ngày 27/10/2017, chi nhánh quận 3, Tp.HCM của đã chuyển về địa chỉ mới tại quận 1.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Người Trung Quốc "săn" BĐS Hy Lạp vì visa vàng
Hy Lạp tiếp tục là một trong những quốc gia được giới nhà giàu Trung Quốc quan tâm nhất nhờ chính sách cấp quyền cư trú cho người đầu tư bất động sản (BĐS) và khí hậu Địa Trung Hải hấp dẫn.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Giá nhà đất châu Á tăng trưởng nhanh nhất thế giới
Báo cáo chỉ số bất động sản (BĐS) toàn cầu mới nhất của Kight Frank cho biết giá trị trung bình của một BĐS tại 150 thành phố lớn trên thế giới đã tăng 4,3% trong 6 tháng đầu năm 2018. Trong đó, châu Á là khu vực ghi nhận mức tăng trưởng mạnh nhất.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
via IFTTT thông báo chuyển địa điểm văn phòng
Nhằm tạo điều kiện thuận lợi trong việc di chuyển và phục vụ khách hàng, từ ngày 27/10/2017, chi nhánh Văn phòng quận 3, Tp.HCM của sẽ chuyển về địa chỉ mới tại quận 1.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: Kylie Jenner gifts mom Kris with $250K 488 Ferrari for birthday
On Monday night, Kris Jenner got a super lavish early birthday gift from her daughter Kylie Jenner.
The Keeping Up the Kardashians momager doesn’t turn 63 until Nov. 5, but that didn’t stop her youngest daughter from surprising her with her “dream car” — a 488 Gran Turismo Berlinetta red Ferrari that retails for $250,000 (chump change for the “self-made” billionaire and cosmetics maven). Kylie, of course, documented the big surprise for all her followers on her Instagram story.
“I’m on my way to my mom’s house to surprise her with her birthday gift. I’ve had this for the last month and I’m so excited to finally be giving it to her,” she said.
“It’s a little dark outside so I hope that you could see it good.”
With boyfriend Corey Gamble, 37, a pajama-clad Kris was dumbstruck seeing the vehicle in the driveway for the first time.”What? What is that? Are you kidding me?” she gasped.
“That’s from you? Oh my god. Oh my god!” After hugging her 21-year-old daughter and wiping back tears, Kris sat into the vehicle – joking that had she known Kylie was coming over, she “would have dressed cuter.”
“What is going on?” she asked. “I don’t even know what to do. How do I even start it?”
Kylie then snapped a series of pictures of the car, labelling one “488 For The Queen.”
She later captioned a video on her Instagram with the same phrase.

See more pics & vids HERE.
“I’m on my way to my mom’s house to surprise her with her birthday gift. I’ve had this for the last month and I’m so excited to finally be giving it to her,” she said.
“It’s a little dark outside so I hope that you could see it good.”
With boyfriend Corey Gamble, 37, a pajama-clad Kris was dumbstruck seeing the vehicle in the driveway for the first time.”What? What is that? Are you kidding me?” she gasped.
“That’s from you? Oh my god. Oh my god!” After hugging her 21-year-old daughter and wiping back tears, Kris sat into the vehicle – joking that had she known Kylie was coming over, she “would have dressed cuter.”
“What is going on?” she asked. “I don’t even know what to do. How do I even start it?”
Kylie then snapped a series of pictures of the car, labelling one “488 For The Queen.”
She later captioned a video on her Instagram with the same phrase.

Photos: Beyonce pays homage to Toni Braxton for #Halloween! #HappyHalloween #PhoniBraxton
Beyoncé wins Halloween once again with her "Phoni Braxton" costume, paying homage to Toni Braxton 👑 👏🏽
Beautiful! But Heidi Klum is still the queen of Halloween!

UAE visa amnesty scheme likely to be extended
Thousands of residents with expired documentation have applied for short-term passports since the start of the UAE visa amnesty, in a bid to take advantage of a six-month window to find work and extend their stay in the country.
Almost 1,800 short validity passports have been issued by the Indian embassy and consulate in Dubai and Abu Dhabi since the start of the amnesty programme in August.
Jobseekers who have overstayed their visa can obtain a six-month self-sponsored temporary visa, as per the amnesty scheme that has now been extended until December 1.
Those on expired visas were given the grace period to settle their status or leave the UAE voluntarily without legal consequences or fines.
“A lot of people on expired passports have renewed their passport because of the six-month window for them to find a job,” said Indian ambassador to the UAE, Navdeep Suri. A standard Indian passport lasts for 10 years, while short validity passports are usually for one or two years and can be issued immediately.
Another 3,868 emergency certificates — a one-way ticket out of the country issued to people who have lost their passports or whose documents have been stolen or damaged — have been handed out by the Indian embassy during the amnesty period.
The Indian ambassador said many people in desperate situations have applied for emergency certificates after enduring tough experiences.
“When we talk to people who show up asking for an emergency certificate, all they want is to go back home, you can see their desperation,” said Mr Suri. People against whom absconding reports were filed could also apply for amnesty and leave the UAE without a ban.
Culled From The National Ae.
Jobseekers who have overstayed their visa can obtain a six-month self-sponsored temporary visa, as per the amnesty scheme that has now been extended until December 1.
Those on expired visas were given the grace period to settle their status or leave the UAE voluntarily without legal consequences or fines.
“A lot of people on expired passports have renewed their passport because of the six-month window for them to find a job,” said Indian ambassador to the UAE, Navdeep Suri. A standard Indian passport lasts for 10 years, while short validity passports are usually for one or two years and can be issued immediately.
Another 3,868 emergency certificates — a one-way ticket out of the country issued to people who have lost their passports or whose documents have been stolen or damaged — have been handed out by the Indian embassy during the amnesty period.
The Indian ambassador said many people in desperate situations have applied for emergency certificates after enduring tough experiences.
“When we talk to people who show up asking for an emergency certificate, all they want is to go back home, you can see their desperation,” said Mr Suri. People against whom absconding reports were filed could also apply for amnesty and leave the UAE without a ban.
Culled From The National Ae.
Trump says he will order limits to #BirthrightCitizenship despite #14thAmendment
President Donald Trump is planning to attempt to end birthright citizenship by executive order, Trump told news outlet Axios, which reported the move would apply to children of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born in the United States.
It's his latest appeal to anti-immigration supporters in the country and comes on the eve of the midterm elections. But such an order may violate the Constitution. The 14th Amendment grants citizenship to "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," as well as to the children of citizens.
The Supreme Court ruled in 1898 in the case of a child born to Chinese parents in the U.S. that the amendment "includes the children born, within the territory of the United States, of all other persons, of whatever race or color, domiciled within the United States.
" But Trump insisted to Axios, in an interview clip released Tuesday morning, that both he and Congress have the power to revoke that right when a reporter mentioned some legal scholars who believe that birthright citizenship is not enshrined in the Constitution.
An executive order ending birthright citizenship would almost certainly face a lawsuit and could affect a large number of people living in the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of people were born to undocumented immigrants each year for decades, according to a 2014 Pew study.
In the interview, Trump falsely claimed that the U.S. is the only country to grant citizenship to anyone born there, a right he called "ridiculous."
According to the CIA World Factbook, the U.S. is one of more than 30 countries that offer citizenship by birth, many of them in the Western Hemisphere, including Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Ending citizenship by birth for some people would be the Trump administration's most dramatic attempt to limit immigration so far.
"I want to help people around the world, but we have to take care of our country, or we won't have a country, including — we have to take care of our country at the border," he said.
The Supreme Court ruled in 1898 in the case of a child born to Chinese parents in the U.S. that the amendment "includes the children born, within the territory of the United States, of all other persons, of whatever race or color, domiciled within the United States.
" But Trump insisted to Axios, in an interview clip released Tuesday morning, that both he and Congress have the power to revoke that right when a reporter mentioned some legal scholars who believe that birthright citizenship is not enshrined in the Constitution.
An executive order ending birthright citizenship would almost certainly face a lawsuit and could affect a large number of people living in the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of people were born to undocumented immigrants each year for decades, according to a 2014 Pew study.
In the interview, Trump falsely claimed that the U.S. is the only country to grant citizenship to anyone born there, a right he called "ridiculous."
According to the CIA World Factbook, the U.S. is one of more than 30 countries that offer citizenship by birth, many of them in the Western Hemisphere, including Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Ending citizenship by birth for some people would be the Trump administration's most dramatic attempt to limit immigration so far.
"I want to help people around the world, but we have to take care of our country, or we won't have a country, including — we have to take care of our country at the border," he said.
5 tuyến đường được mệnh danh "đắt nhất hành tinh" tại Hà Nội
Đường Hoàng Cầu - Voi Phục; đường Nguyễn Văn Huyên kéo dài; đường Ô Đống Mác - Nguyễn Khoái... là những tuyến đường được mệnh danh "đắt nhất hành tinh" bởi tổng mức đầu tư cực khủng.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Tp.HCM: Giá phòng khách sạn vẫn tăng bình quân 3% theo năm
Theo Savills Việt Nam, dù rơi vào mùa thấp điểm du lịch nhưng tính đến quý III, giá phòng khách sạn tại Tp.HCM vẫn tăng bình quân 3% theo năm.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Phê duyệt hệ số điều chỉnh giá đất 3 dự án tại Tp.HCM
Vừa qua, UBND Tp.HCM đã phê duyệt hệ số điều chỉnh giá đất 3 dự án tại Tp.HCM gồm: Dự án xây dựng đường nối từ ngã ba Nơ Trang Long - Nguyễn Xí vào đường trục khu dân cư Bình Hòa, phường 13, quận Bình Thạnh; dự án Xây dựng kè bảo vệ khu dân cư Tắc Sông Chà thuộc ấp Bình Mỹ, xã Bình Khánh, huyện Cần Giờ và dự án xây dựng Văn phòng ấp 2, 3 và 6C xã Vĩnh Lộc A, huyện Bình Chánh.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: Wizkid's third baby mama, Jada & their son, Zion are in Dubai
Fever crooner, Wizkid, real name Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun was in Dubai where he performed in White and Drais over the weekend.
He is now in India where he went to perform at a wedding, however, his third baby mama and manager, Jada Pollock and their son, Zion are in Dubai.
We are pretty sure they all came in to Dubai together! (Thinking out loud).
Zion clocked one on Sunday, October 28, 2018.

He is now in India where he went to perform at a wedding, however, his third baby mama and manager, Jada Pollock and their son, Zion are in Dubai.
We are pretty sure they all came in to Dubai together! (Thinking out loud).

Pharrell Williams threatens to sue President Trump over use of 'Happy' at rally after Pittsburgh shooting
Pharrell Williams isn't too happy with President Donald Trump.
In a cease and desist letter sent Monday, Williams' attorney Howard King called on the President to stop playing the hitmaker's song "Happy" during events. The song was played at a rally over the weekend just hours after a gunman killed 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue. "On the day of the mass murder of 11 human beings at the hands of a deranged 'nationalist,' you played his song 'Happy' to a crowd at a political event in Indiana," King wrote in the letter.
"There was nothing 'happy' about the tragedy inflicted upon our country on Saturday and no permission was granted for your use of this song for this purpose." King claims the use of "Happy" without consent constitutes both copyright and trademark infringement. "Pharrell has not, and will not, grant you permission to publicly perform or otherwise broadcast or disseminate any of his music," King wrote.
This is not the first time Trump has received flak from angry musicians after using their music without permission.
The Rolling Stones, The O'Jays, Adele, Queen and several others have asked Trump to stop using their music as well.
Culled From CNN.
"There was nothing 'happy' about the tragedy inflicted upon our country on Saturday and no permission was granted for your use of this song for this purpose." King claims the use of "Happy" without consent constitutes both copyright and trademark infringement. "Pharrell has not, and will not, grant you permission to publicly perform or otherwise broadcast or disseminate any of his music," King wrote.
This is not the first time Trump has received flak from angry musicians after using their music without permission.
The Rolling Stones, The O'Jays, Adele, Queen and several others have asked Trump to stop using their music as well.
Culled From CNN.
Dubai’s resident population crosses 3.1 million & males outnumber females
New stats from the Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) shows the Dubai population has increased to over three million!
The population grew from 232,400 (third quarter 2017) to reach 3,136,400 at the end of the third quarter of 2018, while the active daytime population stands at 4,291,400, with an estimated 1,155,000 of non-resident workers and temporary workers.
Males vastly outnumber females in the UAE.
The latest population data from DSC also shows that males constitute 49.5% of the Emirati population while females account for 50.5% (89 males to 100 females).
However, the total resident population shows a much higher proportion of males.
Males account for 2,195,480 while females account for just 940,920 of the population (233 males to 100 females).
Read the full article HERE.
The population grew from 232,400 (third quarter 2017) to reach 3,136,400 at the end of the third quarter of 2018, while the active daytime population stands at 4,291,400, with an estimated 1,155,000 of non-resident workers and temporary workers.
Males vastly outnumber females in the UAE.
The latest population data from DSC also shows that males constitute 49.5% of the Emirati population while females account for 50.5% (89 males to 100 females).
However, the total resident population shows a much higher proportion of males.
Males account for 2,195,480 while females account for just 940,920 of the population (233 males to 100 females).
Read the full article HERE.
Dubai single girls be like...
.....I have no reason to be single!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Hà Nội: Sân bay Nội Bài sẽ được mở rộng lên 100 triệu khách/năm
Mới đây, Bộ Giao thông vận tải đã được Phó Thủ tướng Trịnh Đình Dũng giao nghiên cứu phương án mở rộng và điều chỉnh quy hoạch Cảng hàng không quốc tế Nội Bài, nhằm khắc phục tình trạng quá tải hiện nay.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Photos: Zoë Kravitz channels mom Lisa Bonet's nude Rolling Stone shoot
Zoë Kravitz confirmed she’s been secretly engaged since February in a new interview with Rolling Stone magazine, for which she channeled her mom’s iconic nude cover shoot.
Thirty years after Lisa Bonet stripped down to pose nude on Rolling Stone‘s May 19, 1988 cover while two months pregnant with Kravitz, the Big Little Lies actress, 29, did the same for the magazine’s annual Hot Issue. And inside the cover story, Kravitz revealed she’s been secretly engaged to actor Karl Glusman since February.

What we know about the Lion Air plane crash
What we know about the Lion Air plane crash:
- Plane went down at around 6:30 am local time Monday, en route from Jakarta to Pangkal Pinang
- Indonesian authorities believe all 189 people on board were killed
- So-called "black box" flight recorder has yet to be found
- Flight crew reported an issue with the plane the night before the flight, repairs were carried out

Monday, October 29, 2018
Ra mắt không gian làm việc chung dành riêng cho cộng đồng thiết kế - ID hub
Nhằm đáp ứng toàn diện việc phát triển và mở rộng một mô hình làm việc chia sẻ quy mô lớn nhất Việt Nam trong lĩnh vực thiết kế và thi công nội thất, ngày 29/10/2018, buổi họp báo và ra mắt “Không gian làm việc chung dành riêng cho cộng đồng thiết kế - ID hub” được tổ chức tại tầng 3, số 100 Lò Đúc – Hà Nội.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Giá đất đền bù dự án cầu Thủ Thiêm 2 là 385 triệu đồng/m2
Mới đây, Phó Chủ tịch UBND Tp.HCM Trần Vĩnh Tuyến đã chủ trì cuộc họp về tiến độ dự án đầu tư xây dựng cầu Thủ Thiêm 2 theo hình thức Hợp đồng BT, trong đó có thông tin về giá đất đền bù bồi thường dự án.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
5 tác động lên thị trường BĐS Tp.HCM khi tăng hệ số điều chỉnh giá đất quá cao
Nếu Tp.HCM đồng ý phương án đề xuất của Sở Tài chính - tăng hệ số điều chỉnh giá đất lên 19-30% sẽ gây biến động về giá nhà ở, văn phòng, thương mại, người mua nhà chịu thiệt thòi.
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
“Nhà ở xã hội, chất lượng thương mại” giá chỉ từ 250 triệu đồng
Các căn hộ có diện tích đa dạng từ 51,25 – 76,81m2, tương ứng 2PN-3PN với giá từ 16 triệu/m2, dự án Hope Residences đang trở thành “thỏi nam châm” hút khách ấn tượng trên thị trường bất động sản cuối năm 2018.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Sôi động làn sóng khởi nghiệp, officetel lên ngôi
Theo nhận định của các quỹ đầu tư quốc tế, chưa bao giờ hệ sinh thái khởi nghiệp tại Việt Nam phát triển sôi động như trong hai năm trở lại đây. Chính điều này đã thúc đẩy các mô hình bất động sản mới phát triển, trong đó có officetel – sản phẩm tích hợp cùng lúc hai công năng: Nơi ở và văn phòng làm việc.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Khai trường sân gôn KN Golf Links – Động lực mới cho BĐS Cam Ranh
Ngày 27/10 vừa qua, KN Golf Links thuộc dự án KN Paradise đã chính thức khai trương. Sở hữu vị trí kết nối thuận tiện cùng mô hình độc đáo, KN Golf Links đi vào hoạt động đang tạo động lực cho du lịch cao cấp Khánh Hòa phát triển và góp phần gia tăng giá trị bất động sản du lịch nơi đây.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Meet Sony Setiawan, the man who missed the #LionAir #JT610 flight that crashed this a.m
A plane passenger is lucky to be alive after traffic made him late for the doomed Lion Air flight that crashed in to the sea off Indonesia.
Sony Setiawan, an official in Indonesia's finance ministry was due to be among the 189 people on board flight JT 610 when it took off early from the capital Jakarta on Monday morning. But he was held up on his commute to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport because of the city's notorious road congestion and never boarded the Boeing-737.
Minutes after takeoff, the plane disappeared from radar before plunging 5,000ft in to the Java Sea. Officials do not expect to find any survivors. Setiawan took a later flight to Pangkal Pinang on another airline. Pictures show him surrounded by journalists after arriving safely today.

Minutes after takeoff, the plane disappeared from radar before plunging 5,000ft in to the Java Sea. Officials do not expect to find any survivors. Setiawan took a later flight to Pangkal Pinang on another airline. Pictures show him surrounded by journalists after arriving safely today.
Mô hình kinh doanh homestay phát triển mạnh ở vùng ven Hà Nội
Homestay từng nở rộ và trở thành trào lưu kinh doanh trong khu vực nội thành Hà Nội. Khoảng 2 năm trở lại đây, mô hình này bắt đầu phát triển mạnh ở khu vực vùng ven.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
Angela Merkel 'to step down' as leader of Germany's ruling party
German chancellor Angela Merkel will give up her party leadership after 18 years, sources say, in a surprise move that points to her waning power.
Merkel has led the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) for 18 years and has been leader of Germany since being elected in 2005. German media is reporting that she will stay on as head of government for the time being, but will not seek re-election as party leader in December.
Sunshine Group chính thức đổ bộ Sài Gòn
Gần đây, giới đầu tư và kinh doanh địa ốc Sài Gòn đang xôn xao trước thông tin Sunshine Group sẽ vươn dài cánh tay đến Tp.HCM, sau khi thâu tóm thành công các khu “đất vàng” tại Nha Trang, Hà Nội,... cùng tuyên bố tái cấu trúc thị trường bất động sản siêu sang bằng các dòng sản phẩm chiến lược.
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from Kênh Rss về Tin tức bất động sản -
What you didn't know about Tony Anenih who passed on yesterday
There are very few human beings whose sobriquets are just as popular, or even more popular, as their real names.
Chief Anthony Akhakon Anenih, the Iyasele of Esan Land, was one. Widely known as 'Mr. Fix It', much to his disenchantment, Anenih breathed his last on Sunday, October 28, 2018 at Cedarcrest, a private hospital, in Abuja.

Tony Anenih was born on August 4, 1933 in Uzenema-Arue in Uromi in the defunct Bendel State (modern Edo and Delta) in the Mid-Western region of Nigeria — same town where Anthony Enahoro, journalist, foremost anti-colonial and pro-democracy activist, was born.
His parents were of humble background. They were so cash-strapped that they could not afford the young Tony’s school fees of E5 when the brilliant child was offered admission into St. Thomas’ Teachers’ Training College in Ibuza. For this reason Tony became a teacher manqué.
However, determined to succeed in life, little ‘Tony decided to pull himself up by his own bootstraps, leaving the bosom of his kith and kin to live with Lance Corporal Alfred Omeben (father of Rtd. Deputy Inspector Of Police, Christopher Omeben) to be under his tutelage for rubber trading. But as fate would have it, Alfred, his foster father, advised him to try his luck with The Nigeria Police; he did and was chosen.
He juggled his work as a police officer with schooling and finished his secondary school education. He proceeded to the Police College in Ikeja from Benin on July 1, 1951 and was lucky to be one of the select few sent for further training at Bramshill Police College, Basingstoke, England in 1966 and International Police College Academy, Washington DC in 1970. Having become a full-fledged police officer, he had his first feel of the corridors of power when he was attached to the first Governor General of Nigeria, Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe, as a police orderly. He worked in various capacities as a police officer before he voluntarily retired on January 14, 1976 as a police commissioner.
After quitting the Nigeria Police, Anenih had a successful stint as a businessman investing heavily in drugs, electronics, frozen meat, oil palm plantations and import and sale of cars. The hubs of his business operations cut across the length and breadth of the country.
His political career spanned over three decades of the Nigerian political history. His was a political career that traversed the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) in the Second Republic, Social Democratic Party (SDP) of the aborted Third Republic and the Peoples Democratic Party of the Fourth Republic. However, he joined partisan politics in 1981 or thereabouts at the behest of the then President Shehu Shagari. He was made NPN Chairman in the defunct Bendel State and through the deployment of his political acumen and strategy he caused a big upset on the political scene of Bendel State when his party's candidate, Samuel Ogbemudia, defeated the incumbent Governor, Ambrose Alli, of the Unity Party Of Nigeria (UPN). Unfortunately for him, Ogbemudia had hardly settled down in office when General Muhammad Buhari toppled the civilian administration and put paid to the Scond Republic. He would later resurface in the political firmament of Nigeria when Babaginda lifted the ban on political participation and came up with two political parties: Social Democratic Party (SDP) and National Republican Convention (NRC).
His political career spanned over three decades of the Nigerian political history. His was a political career that traversed the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) in the Second Republic, Social Democratic Party (SDP) of the aborted Third Republic and the Peoples Democratic Party of the Fourth Republic. However, he joined partisan politics in 1981 or thereabouts at the behest of the then President Shehu Shagari. He was made NPN Chairman in the defunct Bendel State and through the deployment of his political acumen and strategy he caused a big upset on the political scene of Bendel State when his party's candidate, Samuel Ogbemudia, defeated the incumbent Governor, Ambrose Alli, of the Unity Party Of Nigeria (UPN). Unfortunately for him, Ogbemudia had hardly settled down in office when General Muhammad Buhari toppled the civilian administration and put paid to the Scond Republic. He would later resurface in the political firmament of Nigeria when Babaginda lifted the ban on political participation and came up with two political parties: Social Democratic Party (SDP) and National Republican Convention (NRC).
Anenih the fixer served as a National Chairman of SDP. He is often said to have talked the Late M.K.O Abiola, winner of the SDP presidential ticket, into using Babagana Kingibe who came second in the presidential primary as his running despite sharing the same religious persuasion. In fact, he presided over the meeting where Kingibe was chosen as Abiola’s running mate. At the state level, he used his political clout to make John Odigie-Oyegun (former APC National Chairman) as Governor of the nascent Edo State over the influential Lucky Igbinedion, who was the standard-bearer of the NRC.
When the Fourth Republic kicked off in 1999, he became one of the power brokers of the PDP. He was formerly of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), which formed an alliance with PDP in the build-up to the 1999 election. It is believed he was instrumental to the emergence of Obasanjo as PDP presidential candidate, and he donated Atiku Abubakar, his former PDM member, as his running mate. This was against the run of play because Anenih used his strategy and brinkmanship to wrest the reins of power from Alex Ekweme, who was the purported leader of the PDP before they formed alliance with PDM. In his state, he supported the candidature of Lucky Igbinedion, whom he had made to bite the dust in the aborted Third Republic and Igbinedion won the governorship election. Anenih would later serve as Minister of Works and Housing under Obasanjo and as Chairman Board of Trustees of the PDP in the twilight of the Obasanjo administration.
Though the late Anenih spent a substantial chunk of his years in the cozy corridors of power, his life was not a vast and beguiling bed of roses; he had his ups and downs. In 1983 when Buhari truncated the Second Republic, he was one of the politicians clamped in detention for the almost two years.
Also, in December 2009, the Senate debated a damning report detailing how he and some other ministers during the Obasanjo administration allegedly mismanaged billions of naira meant for the rehabilitation and construction of roads. The money mismanaged was close to N300billion in a period of 10 years (1999-2009). In fact, it is believed in some quarters that he acquired his 'Mr Fix it' sobriquet via this damnable act and not for his ability to fix politicians in positions of power.
He was unfavourably disposed to this sobriquet as well. In his autobiography 'My Life and Nigerian Politics', he said: “I am aware that some people call me ‘Mr Fix it’. I think such people call me that name, either in contempt or in admiration. It is possible that they are being mischievous. A few questions arise here. Am I 'Mr fix It' as a reformer or someone who always does things right? Am I being portrayed as one who gets things settled or fixed? Am I being held out as someone who, by hook or crook, achieves results with the belief that the end justifies the means? In any case, I do not enjoy this appellation. I have always believed in what I do and I always make sure I achieve successes, without listening to the crowd of voices. If I am called an achiever, that sounds more complimentary, satisfying and positive than the ambiguous impression, which ‘Mr Fix it’ connotes.”
Just recently, again, he was embroiled in the scandalous and outrageous Dasukigate. It was reported that he collected humongous amount from the money meant for the procurement of arms. In fact Olu Falae, former Secretary to the Federal Government during the Ibrahim Babangida regime, confessed to collecting N100million from Anenih.
On a personal note, his family was rattled — and ravaged — in quick succession by the gale of grief when he lost his wife and son within a spate of one month. His wife, Patricia Anenih, who was the first national woman leader of PDP (1999 to 2005) died on Easter Sunday April16, 2017 and his son Eugene Anenih slumped and died barely a month after, on May, 15 2017, while playing lawn tennis.
Tony Anenih bestrode the Nigerian political space like a colossus in his lifetime. He was one of the prominent protagonists in the political drama of this country. For this reason, he will be sorely missed.
Chief Tony Anenih died yesterday at the age of 85.
May his soul rest in peace.
Chief Tony Anenih died yesterday at the age of 85.
May his soul rest in peace.

The 5 victims of the Leicester City helicopter crash have been named including its billionaire owner, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha
The five victims of the Leicester City helicopter crash have been named including its billionaire owner, his assistant, a Thai beauty queen turned PA and the hero pilot and his girlfriend co-pilot who potentially saved hundreds of lives by crashing away from crowds on the ground.
The Premier League club's biggest stars and football fans from all over country have expressed their grief as it was confirmed none of the five on board survived when the aircraft fell from the sky outside the King Power Stadium at about 8.30pm on Saturday night. Leicester City Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, 60, who bought the club for £39 million in 2010 and led it to a first Premier League title in 2016, was described as a 'great man' of 'kindness' and 'generosity'.
Beauty queen Nursara Suknamai, his assistant Kaveporn Punpare and also pilot Eric Swaffer, who previously flew members of the Royal Family, and his girlfriend and co-pilot Izabela Roza Lechowicz all perished alongside him. Mr Swaffer is believed to have saved the lives of hundreds of fans by steering the doomed aircraft away from vulnerable fans on the ground. Leicester goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel was seen running towards the stricken helicopter seconds after it crashed and watched it explode and said last night: 'I cannot believe what I saw. It just doesn't seem real'. In a message for the owner who signed him in 2011 he said: 'Never have I ever come across a man like you. You touched everyone. You changed football. Forever. You gave hope to everyone that the impossible was possible.

Beauty queen Nursara Suknamai, his assistant Kaveporn Punpare and also pilot Eric Swaffer, who previously flew members of the Royal Family, and his girlfriend and co-pilot Izabela Roza Lechowicz all perished alongside him. Mr Swaffer is believed to have saved the lives of hundreds of fans by steering the doomed aircraft away from vulnerable fans on the ground. Leicester goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel was seen running towards the stricken helicopter seconds after it crashed and watched it explode and said last night: 'I cannot believe what I saw. It just doesn't seem real'. In a message for the owner who signed him in 2011 he said: 'Never have I ever come across a man like you. You touched everyone. You changed football. Forever. You gave hope to everyone that the impossible was possible.

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